Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday: Chester to Discuss Wild Rose Park

The future of Wild Rose Park will be a lively agenda item around the council table in Chester this morning. The public park was constructed in 1996 by the Western Shore and Area Improvement Association, however the group never legally acquired the private land within the park. Now, some of the private land owners are looking to develop their land. Warden Allen Webber says council is faced with a decision on whether or not to keep the park fully accessible. "What council has to do is determine in their own minds, whether or not there is sufficient public interest in maintaining or preserving Wild Rose Park as it exists today or whether there is insufficient public interest and therefor walk away and it will cease to exist as we know it today," Webber says council has a numbers of avenues to consider and expropriation is an option they will explore. The public meeting will be held at 8:45AM from the municipal offices in Chester.