Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Gift of Nature

An important natural area near Shelburne has been secured by the Nature Conservancy of Canada. It's almost 300 acres of natural habitat at Johnstons Pond, near Shelburne along Nova Scotia’s south shore. The coastal habitat is one of 10 Gifts to Canadians announced this week in celebration of Canada Day.
Situated between the Sable River and the Port L’Hebert Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Johnstons Pond is an undisturbed estuary separated from the Atlantic Ocean by an extensive barrier beach. The sandy barrier beach provides viable breeding habitat for the endangered Piping Plover as well as the Spotted Sandpiper and a small Common Tern colony. The salt marshes, ponds and mudflats found at Johnstons Pond are also important habitat for migratory birds such as Canada Geese and the Semi-palmated Sandpiper. The property also contains a mature coastal forest consisting of spruce, Red Maple and American Larch.

Mill Village man pled guilty

The man from Mill Village who was apprehended on May 12th by Fisheries officers in Liverpool appeared in court this week. Anthony Wayne Greer pleaded guilty to fishing for lobster with obstructed escape nets and was fined 25 hundred dollars and the forfeiture of five lobster traps that had escape vents blocked. His violation dates back to May 12th.

Bayport man fishing lobsters during closed time

A resident from Bayport area will appear in Court in August after being apprehended for fishing lobsters during a closed time. On June 23rd, Fishery officers from Liverpool and Bridgewater caught the man and seized an out port motor and an 18 foot vessel, as well as 79 under sized lobsters which they returned to the water. The man is scheduled to appear in court on August 18th.