Thursday, June 11, 2009

NSCC Grads

2009-06-11 06:19:59


She returned to school after 28 years, and this evening she'll be delivering the valedictorian address at the convocation ceremonies for NSCC, Lunenburg Campus.  Barb Tidd, is a student in the Office  Administration program. Tonight's ceremonies set for 7:00 p.m. will  recognize the achievement of all 223 Lunenburg Campus graduates who have earned diplomas and certificates over the last academic year.

Lunenburg School

2009-06-11 06:18:48


A new Primary to Grade 9 school will be built in Lunenburg in the next few years, but the exact location still has to be decided.   A School Steering team has been formed and a public meeting has been scheduled for later this month.  School board officials say the site selection is one of the first items that will be addressed by them.  The board passed a motion to have the school built in Lunenburg with the possible sites are being whittled down to three locations.  Board members will get those at the June 24th meeting and their recommended site for the Lunenburg school will then go to the Government.  The selection committee is made up from all four school communities and and a public meeting has been scheduled at Lunenburg Junior Senior High School for June 29th at 7:00 p.m.  The process for naming the new school is still being worked out.