A seven-day event showcasing junior hockey players in Yarmouth has received federal funding. Ottawa has given $75,000 to the World Junior 'A' Hockey Challenge. The money is pegged to attract and retain national and international visitors, including accommodations, advertising and promotions. Visitors including players, fans and more than 150 NHL scouts will have access to guides highlighting areas along the South Shore that are "must do" and "must see" destinations. The event also has activities spanning from Digby to Queens County. The province is also investing $150,000 in the event. Additional support includes a combined $67,500 from the Municipalities of Yarmouth and Argyle and the town of Yarmouth and a $30,000 contribution from Hockey Canada. The event will showcase the world's top Junior 'A' players from the United States, Russia, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Canada from November 4-10.