Thursday, December 1, 2011

Crosswalk Safety A Concern in Lunenburg

A town councillor in Lunenburg is pleased the local traffic authority will examine crosswalk safety within the community. Peter Zwicker believes there's a definite need for more crosswalks in the town and adds there's been a number of close calls recently. He says it's a good time to conduct a review, especially given Bluenose Academy planned opening next year. "I think with approximately 600 students coming to the new academy, they are probably going to be heading to the grocery store, coffee shops and convenience store there's going to be a lot more pedestrian traffic in that area and it something we need to be aware of and take the necessary steps to ensure that area is safe,"  Council also discussed the need for a new crosswalk near Hall Street and the Tim Horton's at their meeting this week. Zwicker says the traffic authority will come back with recommendations for council to consider in the New Year.