Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The Canadian Red Cross is maintaining shelters or comfort centres in areas of southwest Nova Scotia where municipalities have declared states of local emergency due to flooding and may have evacuation orders in place.
However, most of the affected residents have remained in their homes, or have made their own arrangements to stay with family or friends in safer areas.

Comfort centres are set up for people to pass the time in safety, have access to electricity and water, and may receive periodic updates from municipal authorities.
Shelters are equipped by the Red Cross with cots, blankets and other items for overnight stays for evacuees who have nowhere else to go.
There's a Canadian Red Cross shelter at the recreation centre in Hebron, and comfort centres at Club des Audacieux in Quinan and at the Lake Vaughn fire hall in Tusket.
While about 120 households have received evacuation notices and some have made daytime use of reception centres, none have required overnight stays in shelters.