Thursday, November 4, 2010

Keddy on Veterans Protest

The member of Parliament for South Shore St-Margaret's says the federal government offers Canadian veterans the best treatment in the world. A group of soldiers and their supporters will challenge that statement at Gerald Keddy's Bridgewater office on Saturday, November 6th, as veterans protest nationwide. Keddy says the 2.5 billion dollars the government has pumped into Veterans Affairs since coming to power has improved benefits and increased the number of pension pay-outs. He says they would never be able to afford to make it perfect, but it's a heck of a lot better than it was. Keddy says the Government deserves a lot of support and thanks for the good things they've done. He says if people want to advocate for more and advocate for the government to do things in a different way than do that in a legitimate way. Keddy says this Saturday's nationwide protest isn't valid because it claims the government has failed outright in its handling of Veterans Affairs.