Friday, August 27, 2010


A tender has been awarded for construction of the proposed new multi-million dollar community centre in Liverpool.

The Council of the Region of Queens has awarded a 14.5-million dollar contract to "Maxim 2000 Inc."

Initial construction work on the site is already underway and the entire project is expected to be completed and open by January 2012.

The Mayor of the Region of Queens Municipality, John Leefe, says Queens Place may be a catalyst in attracting people to live in the area.

The Mayor says: "We are very confident that it will be a catalyst for people looking to move into a Nova Scotia community to look at ours and say, one of the things they have here is a tremendous community centre and thats what our family needs so, we're going to come and live in Queens County."

When completed, Queens Place will have a new and larger arena, a walking track, fitness centre, community rooms and other facilities.

Residents of the Liverpool area are invited to an open house on September 22nd from 7pm to 8:30pm at the Best Western Hotel and Conference Centre to meet the architects and learn more about the project.