The winning tender will soon be announced for the construction of Queens Place. Six bids have been received and Region of Queens Municipal Council had hoped to announce the award at Monday's council meeting. Mayor John Leefe says the Halifax architectural firm asked for more time to review the tender documents. The tender bids ranged from 14.6 to 20 million dollars for the multi-use facility. Mayor Leefe says the project is moving forward and by late summer or early fall people will see a building starting to be erected on the site. The multi-use facility will include an NHL sized arena, a walking track, fitness centre with aerobics studio, community room, canteen, youth health centre and associated common areas.
The federal government has contributed close to 7 million for the facility while the province kicked in 5 million. The Region of Queens will contribute the remaining funds through reserves, fundraising of $1.5 million and capital financing up to $4 million.