Monday, February 8, 2010

Lifestyle Centre Update

It's another step forward for the long awaited Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre. Chair Paul Belliveau appeared before Bridgewater Council Monday night with an update on the status of the project. He says they have now moved to the stage that a Project Manager is required to be able to move forward. The cost of the project manager over the term of the construction is 471 thousand dollars plus HST. Belliveau says they are still in the "Quiet Phase" of the fundraising program but to date have received or have pledges for 424 thousand dollars.
With respect to the site, Belliveau says they will not be doing any work on it until they confirm what the actual facility will consist of and where it will actually be placed. A meeting with the Architect is planned for later this month to receive preliminary Class "C" budgets as well as preliminary conceptual drawings.