Friday, October 30, 2009
Woman Attacked

Clocks Change
Shelburne Crier Passes
Assessment Clinic Opening

7 Hour Wait
H1N1 & Seasonal Flu Vaccine Clinics
For the confirmed clinic schedule visit ssdha.nshealth.ca. For schedules or more information visit www.gov.ns.ca/h1n1, or call HealthLink 811 or Public Health at 543-0850.
All clinics from 12:30-7:30 pm (unless noted)
Lunenburg County
Big Tancook Island
Clinic 11:30 am - 1 pm
Community Centre
• Friday, Nov. 13
Michelin Social & Athletic Club
• Thursday, Oct. 29
• Monday, Nov. 9
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall
• Monday, Nov. 16
Chester Municipality
Oak Island Resort
• Tuesday, Nov. 10
St. Stephen’s Anglican Church Hall
• Wednesday, Nov. 25
Lunenburg Community Centre
• Monday, Nov. 2
• Tuesday, Nov. 17
New Germany Royal Canadian Legion
• Wednesday, Nov. 4
• Wednesday, Nov. 18
New Ross
Clinic: 1:15 - 7:30 pm
New Ross Consolidated School
• Thursday, Nov. 12
• Tuesday, Nov. 24
Queens County
Caledonia Fire Hall
• Thursday, Nov. 5
• Thursday, Nov. 26
Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall
• Tuesday, Nov. 3
• Monday, Nov. 23
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Flu Clinic Priority
School Board Candidates

The advance polls are located in the Royal Canadian Legion #23 in Lunenburg. On election day, polls are located in Palmer's Slipcovers & Draperies in Dean's Corner, the Riverport Community Centre, Royal Canadian Legion #23 in Lunenburg, the Little Tancook Activity Centre on Little Tancook Island and the Big Tancook Recreational Centre on Big Tancook Island. There will also be mobile polls on election day in Lunenburg at the Veteran's Unit of Fisherman's Memorial Hospital from 10 a.m. to noon and at Harbour View Haven from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Only residents of the Veteran's Unit and of Harbour View Haven are eligible to vote in the mobile polls. In order to qualify to be on the list of electors and vote, a person must be 18 years or older on election day, be a Canadian citizen and have lived in District 7 since August 21, 2009. People can find out whether they are on the list of electors by contacting Returning Officer Ted Bulley by telephone at 902-354-2563, email at bulleyt@eastlink.ca or in person at 92 Union Street, Liverpool.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Woman Killed by Coyotes
Flu Shot Patience

Quick Facts:
- H1N1 activity has been highest in the Guysborough-Antigonish Strait Health Authority and Capital Health.
- Women in the second half of their pregnancy, and women at any stage of pregnancy with chronic health conditions, are most at risk of complications from H1N1 and seasonal flu.
- Because of increased H1N1 activity in Nova Scotia, Dr. Strang recommends pregnant women, at 20 weeks gestation or less, who have pre-existing health conditions, consider receiving adjuvanted vaccine.
- It is also recommended that all pregnant women in the second half of their pregnancy (more than 20 weeks gestation) receive adjuvanted vaccine.
- Healthy pregnant women in the first half of their pregnancy are at less risk of complications, and can wait to receive the unadjuvanted vaccine.
- Unadjuvanted vaccine will start to be available in Nova Scotia next week.
- H1N1 vaccine will be available, free of charge, to all Nova Scotians who want it.
- H1N1 clinic dates and times from across the province are available at www.gov.ns.ca/H1N1 or through HealthLink 811.
- This is the largest immunization campaign in the province's history.
Dr. Strang urged Nova Scotians to be patient and to get the vaccine when it becomes available at a clinic in their community.
In addition to getting vaccinated, Dr. Strang said Nova Scotians should continue to take other precautions to avoid illness. Most importantly, stay home if sick with flu-like symptoms, which are fever and/or cough with unusual tiredness, head/muscle/joint aches or sore throat. Wash hands often with soap and water and cough and sneeze into elbow or sleeve.
If concerned that medical advice or care is needed, contact HealthLink 811. Like any illness, should symptoms worsen, visit a doctor or walk-in clinic.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bridgewater Police Honour

Day Care Dollars
Legion Help
World Vision Help
Daycare Tax Break
Theater Concerns
Monday, October 26, 2009
Dr. Hamm Appointment
Old Falls Road Traffic
Scrappy Crimes
You can pretty much guess more than one person was involved in this heist. Barrington RCMP are investigating the theft of scrap metal from a business in Barrington Passage that happened overnight last Thursday. Culprits cut open a gate to a fenced compound and stole two thousand pounds of scrap aluminum and 700 pounds of scrap stainless steel. Anyone with information concerning the theft is asked to contact the Barrington RCMP. (902-637-2325).
Friday, October 23, 2009
Shelburne Business Awards
Cornwall Road Fire Call
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Prayer Breakfast
Lunenburg Assault
-- Wash hands often with soap and water, especially after a sneeze or cough. When soap and water are not handy, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are an acceptable alternative.
-- Cough and sneeze into elbow or sleeve.
-- If using tissues, dispose of them appropriately and wash hands.
-- Limit touching eyes, nose and mouth.
-- Do not share drinking glasses, water bottles, mouth guards, cosmetics or eating utensils.
-- If concerned that medical advice or care is needed, contact HealthLink 811. Like any illness, should symptoms worsen, visit a doctor or walk-in clinic.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Clipper Grounded
Pot Seizure
Crime Sheet

Lunenburg Light Concerns?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Drug Bust
Race Charges
Monday, October 19, 2009
NSCC Strike Averted
Quotes from News Release:
This has been a very difficult set of negotiations and the NSTU has worked diligently to arrive at a tentative agreement and avoid a strike,” says NSTU president Alexis Allen. “We feel this is the best deal possible for our members. The goodwill and spirit of cooperation shown between the NSTU and the College during this trying time have greatly assisted in reaching this agreement.”
“I am so grateful to our employees, students and partners who have demonstrated such a strong commitment to learning under enormous pressure,” says NSCC President Joan McArthur-Blair. “We must now ensure our NSTU colleagues have time to consider and vote on this tentative agreement while continuing to deliver the first-rate education our students deserve.”
School Bus Safety

No Tax Break
Publicover says Carey's situation was not unique and his was not the only business to be affected.
H-1-N-1 Response Plan

Ship Shape Support
Friday, October 16, 2009
Boat Building Help
Suspicious Activity
And Then Some
More Money
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Lunenburg School Site
Another Apartment Fire
More Riding Money
Keddy Checks Cheques
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Baby Case Postponed
UPDATE: Charges Laid
And a count of Concealing the body of a child has been laid against the woman and her 31-year old common law husband. RCMP say the infant's remains were brought into Queens General Hospital Monday. The pair were arrested a few hours later. Police believe the woman gave birth at home last Wednesday and the baby boy died then or shortly afterwards. An autopsy has been done, but no cause of death has been identified according to police. RCMP have not named the couple either.
Shelburne County Accident
One person is being taken to hospital after a single vehicle rollover this morning on Highway 103 in Shelburne County. RCMP say it happened just West of Exit 26 this morning. Crews are still on the scene and traffic will have to be detoured for awhile. Drivers are being sent along the Old Number Three through Clyde River and the Ohio Exit. There are few details about the condition of the driver and the cause of this morning's accident.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Death of Newborn Investigated
S-S Conservative Spending
Lunenburg Crimes
Campaign School
Friday, October 9, 2009
Drug Search
Lockeport Planning
http://www.lockeport.ns.ca/page_1228153171906.html for a schedule of events.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Seafood Support
Smoke Sentencing
Wharf Assault Delay
He's also facing two drug charges including production and possession for the purpose of trafficking. Swinimer is slated to return to court November 18th to enter pleas. Meantime, 26 year old Joel Ray Meister has elected to be tried by a Supreme Court judge alone on the charges he's facing in relation to the wharf incident. A preliminary hearing has been set for next March 25th.
Crash Charge Trial
The charges were laid following a string of collisions in Bridgewater back on April 22nd. That night around 9 p.m. a grey Chev Cavalier struck a vehicle on LaHave Street. An RCMP officer off duty at the time approached the driver of the Cavalier who fled the scene. The Mountie followed in his own vehicle. The Cavalier then struck another vehicle on Aberdeen Road, turned onto Hirtle Drive and ended up smashing into a residence on Hollingsworth Drive and damaging a car that was parked in the lot at Eastside Apartments. The Cavalier eventually went off the road on Streatch Drive where the driver ditched the car and fled on foot. Burton was arrested at his residence a short time later.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Baker Order of NS
This year's Order of Nova Scotia recipients are:
-- Michael Gilbert Baker (posthumous), Lunenburg
-- Melvin James Boutilier, Halifax
-- Muriel Helena Duckworth (deceased), Bedford
-- Philip Riteman, Bedford
-- Viola Marie Robinson, Truro
Cynthia Baker accepting on behalf of Mike.
Michael Gilbert Baker (posthumous), Lunenburg, was first elected to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly in 1998, representing the constituents of Lunenburg. He served in cabinet as the Minister of Transportation and Public Works, Minister of Communications Nova Scotia, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney General and Minister of Justice, and Minister of Finance. During the final years of his tenure, he continued to provide exemplary service to the people of the province despite his own personal battle with a life-threatening and debilitating disease. His untimely death cut short a lifetime of dedicated, and committed service to Nova Scotia and its residents.
Crime Files
And Queens County RCMP are investigating a theft that took place at the Beech Hill Road in Hunts Point on the night of Tuesday, September 29th. The item taken was a large industrial type weedeater. It's described as a Honda, model UMK431. It has a red plastic cover over the engine and requires a shoulder harness which was not taken.