Volunteers throughout the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg were recognized Tuesday with a special luncheon in their honour. Mayor Don Downe and Council hosted the volunteers during their regular council session presenting each of the nominees with a special plaque. Sherry Veniot of Lunenburg County Ground Search and Rescue was also the Municipalities Provincial Volunteer who attended a ceremony in Halifax on Monday. Other volunteers honoured by the Municipality include:
John Walters and Allan Keddy (Blockhouse Fire Department)
Elizabeth Conrad and Tony Michener (Broad Cove Community Association)
Shirley Wilkie and Donna Hebb (Dayspring & Dist. Fire Dept. Ladies Aux.)
Doris Eisnor and Esther Eisnor (Pinehurst Community Hall)
Frances brown and Maureen Risser (Royal Canadian Legion, New Germany Branch)
Sherry Russell and William "Bill" Alesander (New Germany Canada Day Committee)
Gary Wentzell (Minor Hockey)
George Weldon and Allen Cook(LaHave River Water Shed Enhancement Foundation)
Myles Wentzell and Linda Wentzell (New Germany Lions)
Aubrey Conrad and Garnet Veinot (Simpson's Corner Community Hall Society
Elizabeth Frank and** Barbara Wicks**also nominated for provincial recognition
( LaHave Manor Corporation)
Betty Demone and Sandra Robar (North River Community Hall)
Greg Selig and Janis Power (New Germany Area Promotions Society)
Lindy Guild and Jean McKiel (Elderfit)
Robert Joundrey and Judy Wile (Lunenburg County 4-H Council)
Ardythe Boss and John Parnell (Rosedale Home for Special Care)
Enid Oickle and Councillor Arthur Young (St. James Lutheran Church, Branch LaHave)
Edgar Bolivar Jr. and Ronald Veinot (Branch LaHave Community Hall)