Protecting piping plovers at Cherry Hill Beach could put humans at risk. Part of the roadway behind the dunes is blocked by boulders to restrict vehicle traffic. The beach is a nesting habitat for the endangered birds. The Municipality of Lunenburg will contact DNR to see if arrangements can be made to gate the access road. District 12 Councillor Eric Hustvedt who brought the matter to Council's attention, says it's important the Fire Department be able to access the far end of the beach for emergency situations. He says there have been occasions where the fire department has had to respond to swimmers in distress at the far end of the beach, and with boulders blocking the access the van with the lifesaving equipment might not be able to respond in a timely manner. Hustvedt says if the access road is gated, the area Fire Chief could have a key which he or someone in the chain of command could use in an emergency.