It's pretty much a go for the construction of a combination gas bar,
convenience store and drive-thru restaurant in Lunenburg. Wilsons Fuels of Halifax wants to reconfigure the Esso station on Falkland Street and needed Council's approval for two amendments to the Land Use By-law. Wilson's requested allowance for a pump island be located 10 feet from the Falkland Street property line, and to allow for a driveway to be located 9 feet 9 inches from the intersection of Station Lane with Falkland Street. Mayor Laurence Mawhinney says despite Council's approval of the project anyone who objects to Councils decision has a 14 day period to make an appeal before the provincial Utility and Review Board. He says while the decision has been made, nothing is ever binding until they pass the date in which appeals can be received. As for a suggestion that Council take the matter to the communnity, Mawhinney says there is no provision given under the Municipal Government Act for a plebiscite on this particular issue.