November 1st to the 5th is Patient Safety Week in Canada and South Shore Health will celebrate by hosting patient safety fairs in a series of locations throughout the District to encourage patients and families to be actively involved in their health. C-E-O Alice Leverman says one simple way to improve safety in healthcare is by asking questions, listening to the answers and talking openly about our concerns.The public is invited to join staff, physicians and volunteers to learn more about efforts to improve patient safety and how they can participate in making their care safer.
Fairs will be held from 10 am to 2 pm at the following locations:
o November 2 - Bridgewater Mall Center Court
o November 3 - QGH - Second floor old nursing station
o November 4 - FMH - Assembly Room
o November 5 - SSRH - Lecture Rooms 1, 2, 3