Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Woman Killed by Coyotes
Flu Shot Patience

Quick Facts:
- H1N1 activity has been highest in the Guysborough-Antigonish Strait Health Authority and Capital Health.
- Women in the second half of their pregnancy, and women at any stage of pregnancy with chronic health conditions, are most at risk of complications from H1N1 and seasonal flu.
- Because of increased H1N1 activity in Nova Scotia, Dr. Strang recommends pregnant women, at 20 weeks gestation or less, who have pre-existing health conditions, consider receiving adjuvanted vaccine.
- It is also recommended that all pregnant women in the second half of their pregnancy (more than 20 weeks gestation) receive adjuvanted vaccine.
- Healthy pregnant women in the first half of their pregnancy are at less risk of complications, and can wait to receive the unadjuvanted vaccine.
- Unadjuvanted vaccine will start to be available in Nova Scotia next week.
- H1N1 vaccine will be available, free of charge, to all Nova Scotians who want it.
- H1N1 clinic dates and times from across the province are available at or through HealthLink 811.
- This is the largest immunization campaign in the province's history.
Dr. Strang urged Nova Scotians to be patient and to get the vaccine when it becomes available at a clinic in their community.
In addition to getting vaccinated, Dr. Strang said Nova Scotians should continue to take other precautions to avoid illness. Most importantly, stay home if sick with flu-like symptoms, which are fever and/or cough with unusual tiredness, head/muscle/joint aches or sore throat. Wash hands often with soap and water and cough and sneeze into elbow or sleeve.
If concerned that medical advice or care is needed, contact HealthLink 811. Like any illness, should symptoms worsen, visit a doctor or walk-in clinic.