A slew of local track and field stars are gathering in Bridgewater later this month to teach kids the fundamentals. National team members and South Shore athletes Rachael McIntosh of Bridgewater, Mattias Wolter of Conquerall Mills and Chelsea Whalen of Liverpool along with CIS athletes Jesse Drennan of Bridgewater and Sarah Glen of Lunenburg will help show kids the importance of warming up and cooling down. Olympian Jenna Martin of Bridgewater could also make an appearance. There will also be focus on drills including high jump, sprints, distance and javelin. McIntosh says she looks forward to helping local kids.
There are two camps being offered at the HB Studios Fieldhouse; introduction and developmental sessions. The Introduction to Track and Field Winter Camp goes from Dec 17-22 while the Development Camp is one day, December 27. Registration details can be found
here .