A small group of volunteers in Bridgewater are bringing movies outdoors. The group, known as Fresh Air Films, will begin showing movies at the end of next month at Shipyards Landing along the LaHave River. One of the organizers, Janice Tanner Ernst, says people can walk up and watch the movie, or paddle up to the site and watch from a kayak or boat. Tanner Ernst says there's been great support from the community.
She says people are encouraged to make donations because it costs between $400-$500 to rent equipment and show each movie. Tanner Ernst says they plan on playing family films to help encourage both kids and adults to come out and watch. A volunteer drive will be held soon for people looking to help out or people can email the group if they're interested at
bridgewaterfreshairfilms@gmail.com . The first film will be the original Karate Kid on June 28.