A Grade 9 student from New Germany Rural High School among the winners of Nova Scotia's second annual Premier's Power of Positive Change Awards. Tucker Mertens, bicycled across the country to raise funds and awareness for Amnesty International. He has been active in his local 4H club and church group. He is part of a Social Justice group at his school, organizing a diversity day. Tucker started his own initiative called 1000 Paper Cranes - 1 Prayer for Justice, a fundraiser to raise awareness of injustice in the world. The students from Grade 4 to Grade 12 were honoured at a ceremony at Province House Thursday.(June 3rd)
The Premier's Power of Positive Change Awards recognizes public school students who demonstrate leadership organizing a school or community activity or show exemplary behaviour promoting positive attitudes. The recipients received a certificate of recognition and a two-thousand-dollar bursary toward post-secondary education or training.