The premier will be in Queens County today to canvas with NDP incumbent Sterling Belliveau. Darrell Dexter has planned stops in Greenfield, Milton, Brooklyn and Liverpool Monday afternoon. The new riding of Queens-Shelburne was established after a boundary review was completed last fall. Dexter says all parties have a challenge to try and get elected in the riding.
Dexter says the NDP are working hard for local residents and the party isn't taking any seat for granted on the South Shore. Below is the premier's itinerary for Monday afternoon, which is subject to change.
12:30pm: Tour of Hillsview Acres Home for Special Care With Sterling Belliveau, NDP candidate in Queens-Shelburne
14 Middlefield Road, Greenfield
1:30pm: Visit at Hatt’s Garage With Sterling Belliveau,
374 Hwy 8, Milton
2:00pm: Canvassing with Sterling Belliveau,
Meeting at Anglican Church parking lot
Brooklyn Shore Road, Brooklyn
3:30pm : Canvassing with Sterling Belliveau,
Meeting at Belliveau’s campaign office
32 Waterfront Plaza, Henry Hensy Drive, Liverpool