The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has closed a section of coastline to shellfish harvesting after encountering high counts of Paralytic Shellfish Poison. Shellfish harvesting has been banned along the coast from Stonehurst East in Lunenburg County to Cole Harbour. The ban includes all of Mahone Bay, St. Margaret's Bay, Blind Cove, Prospect Bay, and Terence Bay. The harvesting ban includes clams, mussels, oysters and scallops. The news release states shellfish closures can change frequently, and harvesters are encouraged to check with their local DFO offices for a listing of current closures prior to harvesting. Symptoms of PSP include nausea, tingling or burning lips, tongue, hands and feet, and shortness of breath. In more severe situations, PSP can be fatal. More information can be found
here .