Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Employment Solutions Funding
People with disabilities will get help preparing for jobs as a result of federal support for Employment Solutions Society. South Shore/St.Margarets M.P. Gerald Keddy, announced funding of 80 thousand, 434 dollars under the Community Coordinator component of the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities. The project will help 16 people with disabilities gain the skills they need to obtain jobs. Employment Solutions Society has delivered funding programs as a community coordinator for the last few years to clients with disabilities in the Lunenburg and Queens counties. As of July 5th,program delivery for the Opportunities Fund has been expanded to clients in Windsor and East Hants.The Opportunities Fund helps support an array of activities, such as increasing employability skills, providing work experience and preparing individuals for self-employment.
Chester Wharf Attack

He was supposed to have a trial date set, instead one of the men involved in a violent attack at a Chester wharf last summer entered a guilty plea to two charges of assault on Wednesday. Twenty-seven year old Joel Ray Meister admitted he kicked a man and threw rocks at a woman during the altercation last August 20th. The woman was sent to hospital with serious head injuries. The Crown and Defence both agreed Meister who had jumped into a scuffle to help a friend played a lesser role in the night's events and did not inflict the woman's injuries. He's been sentenced to 18 months on probation with a number of conditions and has been ordered to take counselling. Meantime, 29 year old Chad Wesley Swinimer has pleaded guilty to a charge of assault causing bodily harm and will be sentenced August 30th.
Truck Ties Up Traffic

A truck mishap tied-up traffic in Bridgewater Monday evening shortly after 6:00 o'clock. Apparently, the parking-brakes on a lumber-truck did not prevent the vehicle from moving forward, allowing it to block North Street by the "Cookville Irving" and strike a tree on the opposite side of the road. A "loader" was needed to remove the lumber off the truck before it could be moved. Members of the Northfield Fire Department received assistance from Bridgewater firefighters for traffic-control while New Germany fire-fighters remained on "standby" at the Northfield Fire Hall.
***Photo..courtesy of Casey Boutilier***
Farmres Dairy Dispute Update

Talks remain stalled between the two sides of a local labour dispute.
The CEP-Local 40 Union and Farmer's Dairy haven't spoken since a 17-hour bargaining session on July 9th, resulting in both sides walking away for the table.
Union President Brian Bennett says though there are no plans for further talks, he believes the non-unionized workers filling in can only last so long.
The union is holding out because of issues surrounding pay, pension and force labour.
Over 240 workers have been off the job since 12:01 Saturday morning.
New Nurse for New Germany

The New Germany and Area Medical Centre is getting a temporary nurse. Dawn Chubbs has accepted a part-time role with South Shore Health, replacing Rob Snelling, who resigned earlier this month. Chubbs will see patients two to three days a week and will also work part-time with South Shore Health's stroke program. She'll start seeing patients starting July 26th.
Fire Departments to Merge

The Municipality of Lunenburg is going through a firefighting makeover. The decision to combine the Newcombville, Chelsea and Baker Settlement fire departments was approved at a Municipal Council meeting on Tuesday, July 13th. The mayor of the Municipality of Lunenburg, Don Downe, says the three fire department chiefs proposed the combination, to provide better service to the area. He says they're are also amalgamating because of issues surrounding old equipment, training and manpower.
Downe says the departments will get the help from the municipality's solicitor and clerk.
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