About a hundred people turned out to a public meeting in Bridgewater last night to see and hear about the design of the proposed Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre. Chair Paul Belliveau says there were some concerns and comments both for and against the project. He says the next step is to take a look at the numbers and determine what they can build at what cost. He says what they have to do is come up with as close to a capital program as they can and at the same time work on the operating budget so the joint councils can determine their budgeting.
Belliveau says he hopes the Committee will have a recommendation to take to the councils within a month or two. In the meantime, he says they're trying to get the fundraising campaign going without really being able to tell the people exactly what they'll be building.If the facility were to include the original components of 2 ice rinks a pool and a library, the projected cost will be 42 million dollars.