They've done this in the past, but it's been a few years. And it's part of the process for a license renewal. Nova Scotia Power is holding an open house to talk with residents about the Mersey hydro system. Those who attend will learn more about how the system operates, and the ongoing environmental monitoring done by NS Power. Employees will be on hand later today (3pm-8pm) to answer questions at the Best Western in Liverpool. The open houses are part of the re licensing process for the province's hydro systems. They are held every 10 years for renewal of the system's operating approval. Another session is planned for next Thursday (Nov 12th) in Tusket Falls.
Power was only out for about a half hour at Hebbville Academy this morning. There was a fire in a transformer behind the school just before 8:30 that was blamed for causing the outage. The electricity was back on just after nine. The students were kept inside waiting for the lights to come back on. Apparently they booed when the lights came back on...hoping for a bit of a break from classes.
Health officials are doing what they can to help people deal with the changing information in regards to H-1-N-1. South Shore Health points to the newly announced priorities for the vaccination: pregnant women; children younger than five (six months to 59 months); people living in First Nations communities; and health-care workers who provide direct care to patients. And in response to more people coming to their emergency departments by people with flu-like symptoms, there is an influenza assessment centre at South Shore Regional Hospital. The clinic will be open 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday. The Walk-in Clinic will be held as usual. The Health authority wants to be clear, the Centre is not providing vaccinations or H1N1 testing. They say you should come to the centre if you think you have the flu and get sicker instead of better after a few days; or you have the flu and are in a high risk group.
The Mi'kmaq Burial Grounds Research and Restoration Association wants to erect a monument in Lunenburg's 250th Anniversary Park behind the fire hall. Ellen Hunt in a presentation to Lunenburg Council says the children's playground would have to be moved as it is sitting on top of a burial site. Mayor Laurence Mawhinney says it's too premature to make a decision. He says council is going to research the matter further by looking at their own files and check with government departments who may have information. They want to firmly establish what was there and where it was located. Mawhinney says they've also asked the Mi'kmaq elders to come forward with a schematic for what they would like to see there. But he cautions they haven't given approval yet but are still working on gathering all of the necessary information before taking a decision. Mawhinney says there have been other occupants of the land including the C-N-R, and Council wants to make sure any action taken is for the right reasons.
It could be a dream come true for antique car buffs. Bruce Smith, Executive Director of the Great Atlantic Antique Automotive Show pitched a proposal to Lunenburg Council to have a one day show on the waterfront next July 3rd. The public will not be charged to attend. Mayor Laurence Mawhinney says Council supports the idea in principle, but wants to consult with the Board of Trade and the Fisheries Museum before giving the go-ahead. Smith told Council there could be up to 500 antiques vehicles taking part in the one day show which he hopes can become an annual event. A similar request to provide funding for a two day car show at the MARC this past July was turned down by Bridgewater Town Council.