Friday, June 22, 2012
Park View Graduate Receives NSCAD Scholarship
A former Park View student is getting some financial help for her post-secondary education. Lauren Dial has been named a recipient of the Harrison McCain Scholarship from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. The Lunenburg native graduated from Park View in 2011 with honours. The scholarship is in memory of Marion McCain, a community-minded New Brunswick philanthropist with a keen interest in the arts. The scholarship is worth $4,000 a year and is renewable.
Dexter: Ferry Service Needs To Make Sense
Premier Darrell Dexter says the Yarmouth to Maine ferry service could be re-established but only if it makes sense. Dexter says the ferry needs to be viable and sustainable over the long term in order to run again. An expert panel was in Yarmouth this week to gather information and discuss what would be required to bring the the ferry back to life. Dexter says the decision depends heavily on the panels findings.
Dexter says the difficulty with the Yarmouth to Maine link is the province has had a difficult time securing a partner to help fund the service. The ferry hasn't operated since 2009.
Dexter says the difficulty with the Yarmouth to Maine link is the province has had a difficult time securing a partner to help fund the service. The ferry hasn't operated since 2009.
CAMS Receives Automated External Defibrillator
It's the Foundation's hope they will set up 100 Automated External Defibrillator's over the next five years. AED's have been set up across the South Shore including at Queens Place in Liverpool, the Shelburne County Arena, the Forties Community Centre in New Ross and Forest Heights Community School in Chester.
Chester, Yarmouth Relay For Life Results
The results are in from the Chester and Yarmouth Relay for Life events. Communications Manager with the Canadian Cancer Society, Barb Johnson, says Yarmouth raised $78,000 while Chester took-in $62,000 during their June 15 relays. She says more money could filter in because fundraising is open until a month after the event ends. More relays will be held Friday evening in East Hants, Digby, Kentville and Pictou. To date, more than $1.7-million has been raised total for all events this year.
Destination White Point: Book To Be Released Soon

The history of a popular Queens County resort will be released in a book. 'Destination White Point' was written by East LaHave author Frances Jewel Dickson. It explains how the resort came to be and also talks about the recent fire that claimed the historic main lodge. The book was ready to be published until the fire happened. Dickson says it was quite a re-write to make sure the fire was included in the book.
Dickson says she spoke with former staff and resort users, and also current employees to help write her book. Copies of Destination White Point will be available soon at local book stores.
Bluenose II Assets Still Not Given To Province
Under an agreement with the province the society maintained and operated Bluenose II from 1994 until 2005. The "Company Store" in Lunenburg - which closed earlier this month - is considered their main asset.
South Shore Gasoline Prices Drop
Meanwhile, the price of oil on the world market continues to fall after closing yesterday at an eight-month low. Oil is down 60-cents this morning, and is trading at $77.60 U-S a barrel. The price has tumbled 25 per cent since the beginning of May.
South Shore Health Adopts Healthy Eating Policy
But, Leverman suggests its their job as health officials to take the initiative when it comes to healthy eating.
The policy will apply to all of South Shore Health's cafeteria's, caterings, staff and community meetings, and vending machines. The policy follows Canada's Food Guide and will be implemented over a two year period from now until 2014.
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