Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Rec Centre Funding
Robbery with Violence
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Death Deemed Accidental
Crack Cocaine Seizure
Monday, September 28, 2009
Blessing the Animals
Drug Trafficker to Jail
Earle Wins Nomination
Race Relations Coordinator
Friday, September 25, 2009
4-H Comes to Town
Business Excellence
Small Business Award - J & H Industries, Liverpool
Large Business Award - Lighthouse Publishing, Bridgewater
Export Achievement Award - Terra Beata Cranberries, Lunenburg
Entrepreneurial Award - emOcean, Lunenburg
Hospitality Award - Guppy's Place Family Restaurant, New Germany
New Business Award - Classic Granite Countertops, Bridgewater
Thursday, September 24, 2009
New SchoolBoard Vice-Chair
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
BMHS Terry Fox Run
Queens Fitness
Police Car Collision
Bowater Money

The province is investing in the sustainability of a major employer and exporter in Nova Scotia's paper products industry.
Bowater Mersey Paper Company Ltd. is receiving $2.5 million to support the addition of book-grade paper to its manufacturing process.
Book-grade paper, used mainly in the printing of paperback books, requires more demanding quality standards than those for newsprint. The book-grade paper market tends to have more stable demand and pricing trends.
Economic and Rural Development is supporting the company's diversification plan through the Community Development Trust Fund. The $34.9-million fund was established in 2008 by the federal government to help communities and sectors experiencing economic challenges.
"Bowater Mersey is managing through difficult economic times in this industry by finding innovative ways to reduce operating costs, improve productivity, and develop new product lines and markets," said Minister of Economic and Rural Development Percy Paris.
"The fundamentals of this company are solid and, along with the company, its employees, suppliers, and customers and various governments, we want this mill to continue to be a viable part of our economy and return to higher employment levels as the economy rebounds in the coming months."
Bowater Mersey employs about 500 full-time employees. Its operations include the newsprint mill near Liverpool, Queens Co. the Oakhill sawmill near Bridgewater; the Mersey Woodlands forest management group and the Brooklyn Power Corporation in Brooklyn, Queens Co.
Indirectly, the company supports the jobs of more than 1,000 people in forest management and harvesting operations, private sawmills, trucking firms and other suppliers. Its products are exported around the world.
Bowater Mersey has invested more than $7 million toward the product diversification project, including new manufacturing processes, technology and equipment. The company has already marketed its book-grade paper in the United Kingdom and is seeking opportunities to supply European and Asian pressrooms. Book-grade paper is shipped by vessel from the port at the Bowater Mersey mill as well as by container through the Port of Halifax.
Bowater Mersey continues to work closely within the industry to develop certified forest management practices. The co-generation plan produces electricity under contract to Nova Scotia Power Inc., which provides a stable steam supply to the newsprint plant.
The priorities of the Community Development Trust Fund are to enhance sustainable prosperity, diversify economic and trade opportunities, improve productivity, innovation and training, assist communities with transition planning, and help workers facing adjustment challenges. More information on the Community Development Trust Fund in Nova Scotia is available at .
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fans Cash In

McNamara Secondment

Money Announcement
Vandals and Thieves
Queens Gas Money
The Region of Queens Council has approved an aggressive five year Capital Investment Plan to cover the fiscal years through 2014. Mayor John Leefe says the plan must be submitted to be eligible to receive the Region's transfer of the federal gas tax revenues. Leefe says there was some discussion with respect to the Brooklyn sewer and water project and others that must take place over the next five year period. The Region will receive $723,000 in federal gas tax money in each of the next five years.
Police Post
Monday, September 21, 2009
Search Reduced
The 39 year old man fell overboard from F/V Lady Tiana, just outside Halifax Harbour at approximately 2:30 a.m. Atlantic Time this morning. JRCC Halifax was alerted at approximately 2:35 a.m. and immediately tasked Canadian Coast Guard Cutter Sambro and a CH 149 Cormorant helicopter from 413 Squadron at 14 Wing Greenwood. Thirteen other vessels from the local area and Canadian Coast Guard Ship, Sir William Alexander, also joined in the search throughout the day.
The Search and Rescue Region Commander, Rear Admiral Paul Maddison and the men and women of the Canadian Forces and the Canadian Coast Guard involved in this SAR operation offer their thoughts and prayers to the family of the missing man on this tragic occurrence.
Home Invader Jailed
Friday, September 18, 2009

NDP Throne Speech

"Nova Scotians have put their trust and faith in me and my government to make their lives better, and over the next fours years, I will work everyday to make that happen," said Premier Darrell Dexter. "Taking the provincial portion of the HST off basic home electricity, stimulating the economy with the new home construction rebate, and living within our means are just a few of the ways we will build a better Nova Scotia together."
The throne speech outlined how making life more affordable for Nova Scotians will be a priority. Government will work to ensure seniors can stay in their homes longer, employment support and income assistance programs are more responsive to individuals, and seniors and other residents no longer have to provide a security deposit when entering a long-term care facility.
Fostering economic growth in Nova Scotia during a global recession has already been top of mind for government. The province will continue to make good use of federal infrastructure funding, encourage investment with an increase in the equity tax credit and develop programs to keep Nova Scotia's best and brightest here to put down roots and build a good life.
Government will also focus efforts on providing better access to health care, improving and modernizing infrastructure, keeping communities safe with effective crime prevention strategies, and supporting lifelong learning for Nova Scotians.
The speech from the throne was delivered by Lt.-Gov. Mayann Francis. It can be viewed in its entirety on the web at .
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Staying in Jail
Not Fair Game (note content)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
MacKay's Owner Passes
Apartment Fire

Pot Seizures

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Red Cross Assistance
Apartment Fire
Chamber Release
Reception at 6:00 and dinner and awards presentation will take place at 7:00 p.m.
If you are interested in purchasing is the time. There are only a few still available. Looks like this will be another sold-out event! A special thank you to all of our sponsors:
Michelin - BMO - ACSBE - CKBW -Aliant - NSBI - Clearwater Foods
Our Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be Andrew Button, a valuable member of the organizing committee who works on NSBI 's Business Advisory Team.
Our guest speaker will be Jeremy Wellard, President of HB Studios...a past award winner. His remarks will include a brief overview of the history and development of this dynamic local business that is successfully competing in a global marketplace.
And our finalists. The following businesses have been selected as the finalists in their respective categories. The quality and caliber of the businesses nominated is a wonderful display of just how many excellent businesses are in our region. Congratulations to each and every business nominated.
The finalists are (in no particular order):
Entrepreneurial Award:
Kisserup Consulting, EmOcean Health & Wellness, and Maritime Painted Saltbox
Export Achievement Award:
Hawboldt Industries, Van Dyk Health Juices, and Terra Beata Cranberries
Hospitality Award:
Guppy’s Place Family Restaurant, Bridgewater Comfort Inn, and Lane’s Privateer Inn
Large Business Award:
RP Anaka Investments Ltd., Lighthouse Publishing, and Nova Scotia Building Supplies
New Business Award:
The Java Bead, lalaNova Communications Design, and Classic Granite CounterTops
Small Business Award:
J & H Industries, Caledonia Clover Farm Market, and The Pumpkin Patch Family Farm Market.
Exhibition Apartments
Pesticide Ban
Monday, September 14, 2009
Harper's Condolences
“It is with great regret that I extend my condolences, and those of all Canadians, to the family and friends of Private Patrick Lormand. Private Lormand was killed when an improvised explosive device detonated near the vehicle in which he was travelling, on patrol in an area west of Kandahar.
“Our support and prayers also go to the four brave soldiers who were wounded during this same incident, and to their loved ones.
“The thoughts and prayers of all Canadians are with you during this difficult period.
“The military objective of this mission is to secure an environment that will foster development and aid to better the quality of life of the Afghan people.
“This tragic loss will be remembered. The men and women of our Canadian Forces are dedicated to make a positive impact in this world. Their actions protect Canadians, our interests and our values.”
130th Fatality
Killed in action was Private Patrick Lormand from the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Regiment based in Valcartier, Quebec. Private Lormand was serving as a member of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Regiment Battle Group, Quebec.
Four other Canadian Forces members were injured during the incident. They were evacuated by helicopter to the Multi-National Medical Facility at the Kandahar Airfield. They have all since been released. Their identities will not be made public.
Our thoughts and condolences go to the family and friends of our fallen comrade.
Members of Task Force Kandahar work with Afghan security forces for the greater good of Afghanistan. We remain focused and determined to bringing peace, stability and good governance despite the challenge imposed on us by the insurgents. We remain committed to Afghanistan.
Queens Build Starting
Bathroom Plans
Old Town Accident
Friday, September 11, 2009
Gas Cash
Schooner Launch
Chamber Executive

Shelburne Pot

Lunenburg Exercise
Opening Scenario provided by RCC:
At 1000/11(Local), Halifax Coast Guard radio receives a broken mayday message from the F/V Paul’s Pride. The vessel is inbound Lunenburg Hrb. with a reported engine room fire and listing heavily to starboard. Vessel is described as a 25’ orange and white open style fishing vessel with 3 POB’s
JRCC Halifax tasks CCGC Sambro , USCG Grand Isle,&413 Squad.
More info:
413 Squad to lower sartecs to overturned vessel (RIB) and transfer casualties to Grand Isle & Sambro for first-aid. Hoisting ops. from Grand Isle and Sambro.
Boat Fire
Flood Money Flows
Clamming Pickle
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Pink Shirt Day

New Chambers?
Youden Holding
Former Jail Idle
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Postal Protest
Lock Your Car
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Missing Kids Return
Schooner Gift

Friday, September 4, 2009
Paramedic Awards
A Lunenburg County man will be among 14 paramedics receiving an Emergency Medical Services Exemplary Service Medal today. Lt.-Gov. Mayann Francis will present the honour to Jay Albert Walker of Hubbards at a ceremony at Province house this afternoon. The lieutenant-governor will be joined by Health Minister Maureen MacDonald. The award honours years of service and for performance above and beyond the call of duty.
Medal recipients are:
--Albert Walker, Hubbards, Lunenburg Co.
--Glen Diggdon, Pubnico, Yarmouth Co.
--Darrell Bardua, Dartmouth
--Mark Turner, Kentville
--Terry Muise, Yarmouth
--Dean Vokey, Bellville, Yarmouth Co.
--Gary Galley, Berwick
--Frank McPhee, Halifax
--Franklin Johnston, Goodwood, Halifax Regional Municipality --Prema Cooper, Whites Lake, Halifax Regional Municipality --Dwayne Semple, Tatamagouche --Steve Connell, Kentville --Brian Joseph Bunch, New Minas --Joseph MacDonald, Inverness
Eat Local
Biker Critical
Dog Back Home
Cyclist Update
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Bus Accident
Bike vs Car
Dog Attack
Baker Named to Order

Carolyn's New Job
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Film Locations