Friday, July 31, 2009
Bank Fraud
RCMP are warning citizens of a recent trend of bank fraud taking place throughout the province. Three incidents have been reported to police within Lunenburg and Yarmouth areas within the last month. The fraud involves a male caller indicating he is an employee of a particular Bank and is conducting an internal investigation on an employee. He requests assistance by asking for your participation in an undercover operation by withdrawing large sums of money from your bank. After the cash has been withdrawn, he requests you meet him in a parking lot. Once the money has been handed over, the male asks not to discuss the situation for 72 hours as it would compromise the investigation. Within a few days, the male calls back and the process is repeated with additional cash withdrawn. RCMP believe there are two individuals operating this fraud throughout the province . One of the suspects is described as a white male, 50-60 years old, medium build, wearing a ball-cap. If you suspect or know you are a victim of a fraudulent scam, contact police.
Visitors to the South Shore Exhibition will be among the thousands of people in Atlantic Canada who will learn how to lead safer lives, protect their property and prepare for emergencies, thanks to the Be Smart. Be Safe. Tour developed by the Insurance Bureau of Canada. The interactive exhibit, features The Rain Cycle and driving simulator, the D.U.M.B. Car. The IBC will be making two special presentations tonight at 9 p.m. Lunenburg West MLA Gary Ramey, will receive five Child Safety Link children's storybooks on playground safety - for all of the elementary schools in his riding. As well, Janice Rand of the Lunenburg/Queen Recreation Coordinators/Directors Association will be presented with a donation in support of the valuable work it does for the community.
Slip Slide
The workers at Shelburne Ship Repair are tired of waiting to hear when and if repairs will be made to the slipway. Union spokesman Gary Nickerson says it's at the point now they are not being certified to haul any more ships until major repairs are made. He says talks have been going on forever, and the Union has decided to jump in and try and get the ball rolling. Nickerson says they'll be meeting at 11:30 this morning with MLA Sterling Belliveau in Barrington to present their case and see if things can be speeded up.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Justice Opening
Bridgewater's new Justice Centre on High Street opened for business a month ago, but today there will be a formal ceremony to officially open the centre. Premier Darrell Dexter and Attorney General and Justice Minister Ross Landry will be on hand to officially open the new building at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Public tours of the new building will take place from 3;30 to 5 p.m. The new justice centre was first announced in 2003 with construction not getting underway until 2007. The 49,000-square-foot facility was originally pegged to cost 10 million dollars, but the most recent figures released by the Department of Justice put the cost close to 16.8 million dollars ($20.2 million including land, design and construction management). The building was dedicated in February to Lunenburg M-L-A Michael Baker, just weeks before he died of cancer.
Parkview Parking
A tender will be awarded today to begin work to address the parking problems at Parkview Education Centre. The project as tendered came in at 606 thousand dollars but through reconfiguring some of the components the South Shore Regional School Board came up with cost reductions of 178 thousand, 655 dollars.Board Chair Elliott Payzant says the project will create additional parking and address the safety issue. Parkview was awarded funding of 2 million dollars over three years back in April by then area MLA Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. The announcement was part of a $307 million, seven-year commitment for major school renovations and constructions by the provincial government.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bridgewater Michelin H-1-N-1
With the word of Pandemic planning comes a confirmed case of H-1-N-1 influenza at the Michelin plant in Bridgewater. An employee tells CKBW there was a staff memo circulated this morning saying the one worker had been diagnosed with the swine flu - but it is described as a mild case. Another plant official unofficially confirms that but says the name of the affected worker is being kept confidential. The medical staff is the only group in the plant who are aware of all of the details. But workers are being directed to follow the precautions that are laid out by the Nova Scotia Health department in their pandemic guidelines. Things like frequent hand-washing, sneezing or coughing into your sleeve or isolating yourself if you feel sick.
Queens Fish Show
Fishing enthusiasts will get a glimpse of Queens county later this year. The Dimestore Fisherman is filming as they fish for small mouth bass with Dennis Lavender and Ken Maynard and for maco shark with Peter Cook and Myles Winters. It's the first time in the 11 years the Calgary-based fishing show has been on the air that they host has gone shark fishing. In addition to the fishing components of filming, Jim Hoey and his crew will also be filming local attractions for the "How the heck do you get here?" portion of their show which will promote and advertise tourism in Queens County. In a news release, Mayor John Leefe calls it a great opportunity to send the message across North America that the Region of Queens is a great place to visit, live and invest. The fishing show will be filming in the area until Monday.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Big Exhibit
An Exhibit on Canadian Engagement in Afghanistan will be on display at the South Shore Exhibition this week. Visitors will have the opportunity to see the Afghanistan360 exhibit featuring stories from the field and short video segments on the training and development projects that Canada supports in Afghanistan. You will also be able to record 15-second video messages to our civilians and soldiers serving in Afghanistan. The exhibit offers Canadians the opportunity to learn about progress in the six focused areas in which Canada is providing assistance in Afghanistan. It also showcases Canada's three signature projects in Afghanistan.
Rudy Retires (a bit)
It's the end of an era for a Visionary Environmentalist. Tonight will see Martin Rudy Haase stepping down as Executive Secretary of the Friends of Nature Conservation Society - a group he founded in Maine in 1954. Haase emigrated to Nova Scotia, forming a Canadian Chapter in 1967. Federal Green Party leader Elizabeth May will be at Monday night's meeting. Rudy will be Sheldon's special guest this weekend on South Shore Sunday Morning.
Tucker's Tripdate
It's been almost seven weeks on bicycle crossing Canada to raise awareness for Amnesty International for a South Shore father and son. After 22 biking days in Ontario, Bob and Tucker Mertens are now in Winnipeg. Tucker tells CKBW he's pleased with the amount of money they've raised so far - $2,000. The father and son are trying to make it to BC before the start of the school year travelling a hundred kilometers a day. They've been updating their adventure on the website . You can hear an update about the trip from Tucker on this weekend's South Shore Sunday Morning.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Green Bin Blaze
Another green bin fire. And there's a warning from RCMP. Thursday evening a bin in a private driveway near Blockhouse was burning when neighbors called 9-1-1. Lunenburg and District firefighters responded. The bin was destroyed but there was no other damage to the property or to the nearby properties. This is the second green bin fire in just over a week. And police are encouraging you to keep the bins away from the side of your home or other structures. And they are asking you to report any suspicious activities.
Festival Funding
Another event on the south shore is in line for federal dollars. Gerald Keddy announced $13,200 in funding for the South Shore in Motion Festival Society. The event will be held at the Exhibition Grounds in Bridgewater from August 7 to August 9, 2009. Charlie Horstman says the grant from Canadian Heritage has allowed South Shore in Motion to expand its regular events to include a chance for Bridgewater to showcase some of the accomplishments of current and former residents and businesses of the area. He says this year they've invited local artists to display their works and local musicians to perform for festival goers. The first edition of this event was organized in 2005. Activities will include an exhibition of contemporary visual art and folk art created from car parts, lawn tractor races, truck pulls, emergency vehicle show and shine and musical performances by local artists.
Friday, July 24, 2009
BBBS Golf Event

Natural Resources Panel
A dozen Nova Scotians have been appointed to guide the development of a new natural resources strategy for the province. The appointments were recommended by a steering panel chaired by former Chief Justice Constance Glube. The four expert panels will soon begin the job of consulting with stakeholders, and their findings will be reported to the steering panel late this fall. Jonathan Porter, of Liverpool, the manage of Forestry and Fibre Resources, Abitibi Bowater has been appointed to the Forestry Panel as has Donna Crossland, the senior park warden of Kejimkujik National Park.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Furey Returns
His journey from top cop to politician and back again is completed. RCMP Senior Management have officially returned Mark Furey to the job of District Commander for the Lunenburg County RCMP. He officially started his duties as Staff Sergeant on Monday. Furey left his job on April 15th on unpaid leave to run as the Liberal candidate in Lunenburg West. He finished third with 25 percent of the popular vote in the June election where Gary Ramey was elected MLA. Two-term MLA Carolyn Bolivar Getson finished second. Furey is a 29-year veteran of the RCMP and is back in the saddle again.
Jubilee Accident
One person was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries and another is facing charges after an accident on Jubilee Road. Bridgewater Police say it happened just before nine last night. A vehicle was overturned with two people in it. Fire Chief Wayne Thorburne says they were out by the time their trucks rolled up. A news release from police says the passenger was taken to South Shore Regional and the driver was treated at the scene. They say the 21-year old man was then released into police custody. He is charged with impaired driving and impaired driving causing bodily harm. He has a court date set for September 23rd in Bridgewater. The 20 firefighters were on scene until around 11:30 last night.
Lumberjacks Chugging
It might be the middle of summer but Bridgewater's Junior A Hockey team continues to chug along. The Nauss Timbermart Lumberjacks have announced a couple of major events for next month. The club will host a golf tournament at Osprey Ridge on August 20th and they'll be conducting a summer hockey school at the Bridgewater Arena during the final week of August. Training camp will open for the Jacks' on August 29th and their first exhibition contest will be against the visiting Yarmouth Mariners on Monday, August 31st. Newly-hired coach and GM Jim Bottomly says players not willing to give one hundred percent commitment to winning will not make his squad. Bottomly has also hinted that a trade or two might take place prior to training camp.
No Plea
A Bridgewater man facing a number of charges relating to a series of hit and run crashes in April still hasn't entered pleas. Forty year old Stephen Richard Burton appeared in Bridgewater Provincial Court yesterday and his case was set over to August 12th. His lawyer says he's still awaiting outstanding disclosure from the Crown. Burton is charged with impaired driving, dangerous driving, failing to stop at the scene of an accident and one count of property damage. The charges were laid following a string of collisions in Bridgewater back on April 22nd. That night around 9 p.m. a grey Chev Cavalier struck a vehicle on LaHave Street. An RCMP officer off duty at the time approached the driver of the Cavalier who fled the scene. The Mountie followed in his own vehicle. The Cavalier then struck another vehicle on Aberdeen Road, turned onto Hirtle Drive and ended up smashing into a residence on Hollingsworth Drive and damaging a car that was parked in the lot at Eastside Apartments. The Cavalier eventually went off the road on Streatch Drive where the driver ditched the car and fled on foot. Burton was arrested at his residence a short time later.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Shelburne Job Concerns
Union members with Shelburne Ship Repair have started a petition to gather public support as well as taking their concerns to local politicians in Shelburne county. Municipal Warden Sherm Embry says council has written to Irving Shipbuilding and the Premier's office to ask for help in resolving outstanding issues. Embry says the municipal interest is advocacy for jobs in the Municipality of Shelburne. Irving currently leases the property in the Shelburne Industrial Park from Nova Scotia Business Inc.
Mahone Bay Parade
Mahone Bay's Classic Boat festival is coming up on the first weekend of August. And again this year, there will be some traffic issues in and around the community for the street parade. Clearway street will be shut down from 10 until 11:30 on Saturday August 1st as they line up for the annual trek through town. And Main street will shut down to traffic between 11 and noon. Side street traffic will also be held back until the event finishes.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Fraser moves in pictures
Thanks to Karen Thorburne Holland. More pictures available here:
And as she was turning downriver in Dayspring:

Visit our photos page for more images.
Fraser Moving Day

Queens Place Pool
Queens Place is coming, but with changes.. Mayor John Leefe says Council made a decision to move forward to the design development phase of the recreation complex including all original components except for the aquatics centre. Leefe says Council had to make a decision on moving forward with Queens Place so they decided to remove the swimming pool from the construction plan. Leefe says Queens Place will be sited and designed so a pool could be constructed at a later date.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Camp Outbreak
Summer camps in Ontario aren't the only ones seeing an increase in the numbers of swine flu or H-1-N-1 Influenza. South Shore Health officials say there have been several cases reported in Lunenburg and Queens counties. And that includes infections reported at a summer camp in the District. It was only last week health officials confirmed the first case in the county saying the person was recovering and didn't need hospitalization. And just like that case where the health district held back the gender and community they were from, they aren't saying where the summer camp is that is dealing with the new swine flu cases. The Medical Officer of Health for the district says prevention is the best way to stay healthy. Dr. Richard Gould says wash your hands thoroughly and often, cover your coughs and sneezes, and clean and disinfect common surfaces and items such as doorknobs and counters frequently.
For more information on swine flu:
For more information on swine flu:
Doe, a Deer
If you wanting to hunt antlerless deer - or does- in certain sections of Lunenburg and Queens counties this fall, you won't be required to apply for a special permit to do that. The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) says antlerless deer permits will not be required in Zone 2A, a result of the province’s efforts to reduce deer populations in that district. Zone 2A takes in an area that stretches roughly from East River westerly to the Medway River and inland from the Atlantic Coast to a multi-line power transmission corridor that runs from Halifax to Queens County.
Fraudster in Lunenburg
It's an age-old scam. But that's probably because it still works. A Lunenburg woman was taken in by a scammer last Tuesday according to RCMP. They say she was called at home by a man who told her he was with Internal Security from a local bank. He told her there was an internal theft investigation underway and that he needed her help. She was told to go withdraw a large amount of cash and meet him at a location uptown. She did. And then he told her to go home and not discuss the matter with anyone else for a few days. When the woman got back home, he called her again and asked her to do the same thing. The third time, she was told to go to a bank in Bridgewater. She met him in the mall parking lot this time. And that was the last she heard from him. She later was told by her bank she was the victim of a fraud. RCMP are telling you about this so you don't fall for the scam.
Motorcycle crash
A motorcyclist had to be taken to the Q-E-2 in Halifax after crashing in a residential area of Bridgewater. Police say it happened around nine o'clock Friday evening. The driver lost control of his bike on Empire Street near the intersection of Queen. His injuries were described as non-threatening. He had apparently been thrown quite far when the bike hit the curb. Police say he was taken to South Shore Regional before being transferred to Halifax. The cause of the crash is still being looked into.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Shipped Out
After more than a decade tied up alongside in the LaHave River, a tentative date has been given for the removal of retired Naval Destroyer Fraser. All indications are that tugs will arrive to start towing the ship out towards the ocean starting Tuesday morning. She will be moved at High tide which is at around 8:30 that morning. Staff with the Department of National Defence will be releasing details of the move after the ship is purchased from the Artificial Reef Society of Nova Scotia. That official process won't happen until the tugs are alongside. Fraser has had its supporters and detractors over the years after several ambitions plans were scuttled by battles over assessments and court challenges. The future of the vessel still hasn't been settled officially with previous discussions suggesting Fraser will become a wharfside museum somewhere or possibly even sunk to create an underwater diving attraction. The ship, a St. Laurent Class destroyer commissioned in 1957 was brought to the port of Bridgewater in 1998 after it was declared surplus by the Navy.
H-1-N-1 Update
Swine flu continues to make the headlines with the latest outbreak spreading through three summer camps in Ontario. Here in Nova Scotia there have been 358 confirmed cases of H1N1, human swine influenza. There has been one confirmed case in the South Shore Health District, however, the person did not require hospitalization and is recovering. South Shore Health will not be releasing the person's gender or any other details. Meantime, Communications Director Theresa Hawkesworth says the District H1N1 readiness planning committee is meeting weekly to get provincial updates, share information and discuss current local concerns and questions.
First Nation Funding
The Mi'kmaq and Acadian Festival and Reunion getting a helping hand from the federal government to the tune of 64 hundred dollars. South Shore St. Margaret's MP Gerald Keddy announced the funding during a visit to the Mi'kmaq/Acadian Burial Ground in Petite Riviere yesterday. Ellen Hunt, head of the Mi’kmaq Burial Grounds Research and Restoration Association says the funding will help make the festival and reunion larger as it helps us to promote and share the heritage and culture of the Mi'kmaq/Aboriginal and Acadian Cultures and traditions. Hunt says they'll be able to have a website, more advertising, a genealogy site, and bring in traditional elders to teach more of the culture and traditions.The Mi'Kmaq and Acadian Festival and Reunion will take place at the Fort Point Museum, LaHave, August 21st and 22nd.
Still Working
There's work going on behind the scenes now that a wrench has been thrown into plans to relocate Bridgewater's post office to North Street. Council rejected a developer's building plan because it was too close to the neighbouring apartment building. Genevieve Latour with Canada Post says there's nothing that would keep them from having their operation outside town limits. But she says they are trying to stay in Bridgewater's perimeter and the North Street location was the one they were pleased with. But she adds they have nothing to do with the town and its bylaws since they will only be renting part of the building. So far, there's been no comment from the developer about their plans for 131 North Street since council rejected the appeal for a varience from the town's planning guidelines.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
E-I Fine
A hefty fine for a Lunenburg man who defrauded Employment Insurance over a 20 month period. Thirty-nine year old Leonard Clarke pleaded guilty to 39 counts of EI fraud between October 2004 and May 2006. He was fined $200 on each count for a total of $7,800. Clarke was also placed on house arrest for 6 months as part of a conditional sentence. Authorities say Clarke also received Workers Compensation benefits and was working some of the time he filed for unemployment. EI is recovering the fraudulent payments internally, and Clarke has already repaid more than $6,000.
Parking Review
Bridgewater Council has decided to review parking all over town since councillors couldn't come to a consensus on Glen Allan. Mayor Carroll Publicover strongly feels if people won't pay to use the hospital parking lot, they should be forced to pay to park on the surrounding streets. Publicover says staff has been asked to bring back a report on options which could include revamping some parking meters to raise the parking fees.
False Alarms
The Municipality of Lunenburg along with the RCMP will develop and implement an education program on the issues and impact of false alarms. Mayor Don Downe says they're trying that approach before implementing a by-law. Downe says there has to be accountability. The education program will be reassessed at the end of a one year period to see if there has been a decrease in false alarms.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Shipshape Help Wanted
Lunenburg will be the only tall ships stop on the South Shore. And organizers expect a very busy two-day festival of historic sailing ships, displays, musical entertainment and a variety of family activities. Because of that, they are looking for help. Linda Baker of the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic says there were more than 50 volunteers at the 2007 event. They took on roles including shuttle drivers, security, staffing admission gates and retail sales. Baker says if you have an hour or two to spare, they could use your help. All you have to do is get in touch with the museum in Lunenburg. The 2009 Lunenburg Tall Ships Festival is a partnership of the Town of Lunenburg, the Lunenburg Board of Trade and the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic.
Postal Review Details
All rural mailboxes in Lunenburg county are being assessed to see if they are in a safe place. Canada Post spokesperson Genevieve Latour says the company is obliged by law to review 800-thousand mailboxes Canada-wide because of employee safety concerns. The review will take until the fall. She says a team will evaluate each mailbox and will let the homeowners know what they've found. She says the process involves speaking with people and letting them know what's taking place. And Latour adds this isn't just happening in our area, rather it's a county-wide review that was ordered after workers' complaints. Latour says there is absolutely no plan to get rid of rural mailboxes in Canada adding this inspection issue is about occupational health and safety. You'll be able to hear more about this review coming up this weekend on South Shore Sunday Morning.
Acadia Broadcasting Expands
The owner of the Bridgewater radio station is buying two FM stations in Thunder Bay, Ont., from Newfoundland Capital Corporation for $4.5 million, plus working capital. The stations, CKTG-FM The Giant 105.3 and CJUK-FM Magic 99.9, are being bought by Acadia Broadcasting Limited - the owners of CKBW FM. The deal is subject to approval from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission and is set to close at the end of this year. Acadia Broadcasting vice-president Jim MacMullin said the two stations will be a great addition to its existing radio stations in the Ontario cities of Fort Frances, Kenora and Dryden. Newcap has 81 licences across Canada. Acadia Broadcasting is a community-focused radio broadcaster with 10 licences in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Ontario.
Lunenburg Tallships 2009
Bluenose II is one of five vessels that will be in her home port of Lunenburg for the 2009 Tallships event. Organizers have two days of events planned for the seaside UNESCO town. Along with the replica of the Grand Banks schooner, visiting ships include: the full-rigged Friendship of Salem, the recently restored Boston schooner Larinda, the gaffed rigged schooner Peer's Fancy, and the topsail schooner Unicorn. Other events will be held along the Lunenburg Waterfront in and around the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic. And along with the music and entertainment there will be a discussion on Tall Ships of Lunenburg with Ralph Getson. The event in Lunenburg is being held on Wednesday and Thursday. Be listening for more on the event on this weekend's South Shore Sunday Morning.
**NOTE - CORRECTION** - Lunenburg Recreation director Robin Scott tells CKBW, Friendship of Salem has reported seaworthy issues and will NOT be a part of Tallships in Lunenburg. He says Caledonia will be arriving instead.
**NOTE - CORRECTION** - Lunenburg Recreation director Robin Scott tells CKBW, Friendship of Salem has reported seaworthy issues and will NOT be a part of Tallships in Lunenburg. He says Caledonia will be arriving instead.
Mail Delivery
Proposed changes to rural mail delivery causing more than a bit of concern for Lunenburg Municipal Councillors. Mayor Don Downe says he's been fielding numerous calls from constituents worried their home mailbox delivery will be changed to community mailboxes. Downe says Council plans a more aggressive approach to the problem. Downe says Canada Post seems to have an agenda to rid itself of all rural home mail delivery. Council will send a letter of concern to Canada Post and also discuss the matter with the area's MLA's and MP.
Seized Drugs
A drug bust in Hubbards netted police 3 thousand grams of marijuana bud, 221 marijuana plants, scales and extensive grow equipment. Police also seized six assorted long rifles and ammunition. The search was conducted on the Fox Point Road Tuesday morning by members of the HRM Integrated Drug Section with assistance from the South Shore RCMP Street Crime Enforcement Unit, RCMP Federal Drugs Grow Team, and Nova Scotia Power . A 34-year-old male was arrested and charged with Cultivation, Possession for the Purpose, Theft of Power, Unsafe Storage of Firearms, and Possession of a stolen Nissan Pathfinder SUV. He'll appear in court at a later date.
Armed Robbery
Correction: Gold Reserves A.F.N. was the name of the business robbed at gunpoint. R-C-M-P incorrectly identified the business in both a news release and on the telephone when CKBW News called to question the business name they provided. - July 16/09 SBM
No one was hurt in a brazen armed robbery in Gold Reserve. RCMP Sergeant Paul Coughlin says there were staff and customers in the Gold Nugget Casino on the Beech Hill Road when the two masked men burst in around 10:10 Monday night. The two got away with an undisclosed amount of cash. A white Jeep Cherokee that was stolen earlier from a Chester Basin area business was used in the crime. It was found abandoned on a gravel road at the intersection of Beech Hill Road and Highway 103 Sergeant Coughlin says the suspects might have been picked up on the highway, or they could have taken off along the ATV trail. He says they are hoping someone noticed the two either before or after the armed robbery and that they get in touch with police. The Chester RCMP detachment is handling the investigation.
No one was hurt in a brazen armed robbery in Gold Reserve. RCMP Sergeant Paul Coughlin says there were staff and customers in the Gold Nugget Casino on the Beech Hill Road when the two masked men burst in around 10:10 Monday night. The two got away with an undisclosed amount of cash. A white Jeep Cherokee that was stolen earlier from a Chester Basin area business was used in the crime. It was found abandoned on a gravel road at the intersection of Beech Hill Road and Highway 103 Sergeant Coughlin says the suspects might have been picked up on the highway, or they could have taken off along the ATV trail. He says they are hoping someone noticed the two either before or after the armed robbery and that they get in touch with police. The Chester RCMP detachment is handling the investigation.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Permit Denied
Bridgewater Town Council has turned down an appeal for a variance setback request for a planned development at 131 North Street. The proposed two storey, concrete, steel and glass building was to be the future home of a new Bridgewater Post Office. Mayor Carroll Publicover says council's decision was unanimous, but he hopes some other arrangement can be worked out to allow the project to proceed. He says they hope the develper goes back to the planning department saying they've revised their plan to meet the required setback requirements under the bylaws. Mayor Publicover says he's not overly concerned the developer will cancel the project saying they are smart people who know what the rules are. The town's bylaw requires a setback of 50 feet from a residential property, but the building proposed for North Street only allowed for 36 to 37 feet.
Michelin Anniversary
July 1969. Apollo 11 astronauts launch for the moon. The Beatles record "The End" and Michelin announced it was coming to North America. That year, the tire manufacturer said it would build two plants, one in Granton and one in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Michelin is now celebrating 40 years in the province. During the last four decades Michelin has produced millions of tires, created thousands of jobs, invested billions of dollars and announced a number of expansions, including the addition of a third facility in Waterville in 1982. As part of the celebration, Michel Rollier, managing general partner, Groupe Michelin; Francois Michelin, retired managing partner, Groupe Michelin; and Dick Wilkerson, chairman and president, Michelin North America, visited the Granton facility. There they thanked employees for their dedication and contributions to the success of the company.
Rifle Arrest
A few tense moments Friday evening ended with RCMP arresting a 23-year old Shelburne county man who is still in jail. Around 6:15, police responded to a 9-1-1 call about a man walking along McGray's Avenue in Northeast Point with a rifle. As they were responding, they were told the man had fired several shots. When the members from Barrington and Shelburne detachments showed up, the man turned and ran away from police, throwing the rifle to the ground. Police chased him down and arrested him. He's been held in custody all weekend and will be brought to court sometime today. The Mounties say they are following up on reports of threats, pointing a firearm and break and enter. A woman who was taken into custody at a nearby residence was later released. No one was injured in the incident.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Fire Loss
Cash donations are being accepted for a family of five that lost their Pleasantville home earlier this week. John and Lori Outerbridge and their three children - including a boy marking his ninth birthday - escaped the fire unharmed Thursday night but lost their belongings. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. The family is staying with relatives for the time being. Donations to the family can be made at any Scotia Bank branch along the South Shore.
Political Mailboxes
The NDP member for Lunenbug West says Canada Post must make rural delivery a priority. Gary Ramey says rural mailboxes are a necessity for many seniors, people with disabilities and those living on fixed incomes, Ramey says. Canada Post needs to ensure this essential service will continue. His comments come in light of a flyer being circulated by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. The flyer says Canada Post is replacing rural mailboxes with community boxes to ensure the safety of mail carriers. Lunenburg County residents who are concerned about their mail delivery should call the Canada Post customer service line or contact South Shore-St. Margaret’s MP Gerald Keddy.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Pleasantville Fire
Queens Place Shortage
The Queens Place project is somewhat in limbo until Region of Queens Municipal Council makes some critical decisions. There's a considerable shortfall of funds for the estimated cost of the project now pegged at $25.2 million dollars. Remaining funds need to come from other sources. The federal government has confirmed that Queens Place will not be eligible for further federal support and the past provincial government declined the Region's request for a top up that would have brought their commitment closer to the one third precedent they have set with other similar facilities in the province. Commitments include $7 million from the federal government, $5 million from the province and a fundraising goal of $2 million. Council will have to make a decision on the direction of the project and its affordability. Possible options include scaling back or phasing the facility in components.
Chester Taxes
Tax rates are going up slightly in the Municipality of Chester. Warden Allan Webber says regrettably the trend of lowering the tax rate over the past four years could not be continued. Residential rates increase by 1.67 percent to 61 cents per 100 dollars of assessment. Commercial rates rise by 2.72 percent, to $1.51 up from $1.47. Council approved a 19.5 million dollar budget yesterday. Warden Webber says a number of factors came into play including the current global economic situation. One casualty of this budget is the proposed indoor swimming pool complex which has been cancelled. Webber says the project did not receive broad based public support for an expenditure of this magnitude.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Mertens Mileage
A month into their cross-Canada bike tour and a father and son from Pinehurst have made it as far as Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Bob and Tucker Mertens left on their bicycles on June 9th as they headed out to raise money and awareness for Amnesty International. The idea for the nation-wide trek came from 14-year old Tucker. He had started origami in elementary school when he heard the Japanese legend that a wish is granted to anyone who folds a thousand paper cranes. Tucker has been giving cranes away in exchange for donations on their trip - which they are paying for themselves. In an email to CKBW, the Mertens plan to check in with the radio station when they get to Winnipeg in the next week or so.
Second Fatality
There's now a second death as a result of a motorcycle collision in Oak Hill last Friday. Kenneth Emino of Bridgewater died in hospital Tuesday evening. His wife, who was a passenger on the bike is still in hospital. RCMP are still investigating the cause of the crash. A preliminary investigation shows that one motorcycle crossed the centre line and hit the other one head on. Fifty-two year old Gregory Allen Naugler of Pine Grove died at the crash site on Highway 325. His funeral service was held earlier this week.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Playground Pitch
A Bridgewater couple is hoping the town uses the vacated Visitor Information Center lot for something other than a building. A large structure, they contend, will greatly hamper the view plane from their land on Aberdeen and Elm Street. Patricia and Fazal Rahman have written council asking them to build a playground for young kids on the lot next to North Street. They write the North side of town has been grossly underserved, especially for younger children. They point out there are three fair sized playgrounds and parkspace on the opposite side of the river. And the Rahman's say the concrete slab where the building used to sit has been covered with dirt so all they would need to do is put up a fence and equipment. Also, they say more open space and recreation facilities would be welcome. The site has been vacant since the building was removed from the lot several weeks ago.
Monumental Task
In a small town, you may think that everyone knows everyone. But, in Mahone Bay with 900 residents, there is little known about the 39 soldiers whose names are on the cenotaph in the middle of town. Now, Mahone Bay is working at identifying and paying homage to the men from the community who died for Canada in the Great War, World War II and the Korean War. Mayor Joe Feeney is organizing a group to establish a Celebration of Honour for the 39 fallen soldiers. Feeney says they are hoping to publish a booklet giving information about each of the men. And he says they want to hear from people in the Mahone Bay area who may have information about the men. He adds there is some information available for the World War I veterans but less available for the World War II or Korean War soldiers. He's asking people to get in touch with him or town staff if they can help shed some light on their identities and connections to the community.
Golden Dozen
An editorial urging people to rein in the rumours about a murdered 12 year old girl has given Vernon Oickle a spot on the Golden Dozen. The award recognizes the best non-daily opinion writing in North America through the International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors. Oickle tells CKBW the Karissa Boudreau story was tough but there were things that needed to be said. This year's winners were selected from 81 entries. Hear more with Vernon and Sheldon this weekend on South Shore Sunday Morning.
Jail Time
Being involved in a home invasion has landed a Bridgewater man five years behind bars. Twenty year old Timothy Charles MacKenzie entered guilty pleas to robbery and breach of an undertaking. He was scheduled for a preliminary hearing on Friday but entered the pleas instead. Mackenzie was one of three people initially charged in the invasion of a Churchill Street apartment last October 24th. Meantime there are still court appearances pending for 19 year old Matthew James Chase who is due in court July 15th, and a September trial has been scheduled for 19 year old Joshua Lamont Mosher. Charges have also been laid against three others for being parties to the crime even though they didn't enter the home. Twenty three year old Timothy Barry Stewart returns to court July 13th, while a preliminary hearing has been set for November for 23 year old Sean Andrew Ivany. A warrant has been issued for 23 year old Matthew Kevin Glavine who failed to show for an earlier court appearance.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
LEED School
Wherever the new P to 9 school is located in Lunenburg, it will be LEED silver certified. LEED is a rating system used by the Green Building council of Canada to rate new buildings on their energy and environmental features. Three recommended sites approved by the South Shore Regional School Board have been sent to the Minister of Education who will who will request a formal review of the sites by the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal. The School Steering Team for the new facility also reviewed the School Space Allocation Program and at it's next committee meeting will review possible amendments to the program.
Woodlot Winner
To say Rex Veinot is excited might be understating it - he says he's still walking on the ceiling. The Veinot Family, who own a 142-hectare property in Maplewood, is being recognized as Woodlot Owner's of the year. It's the second time the property has been given the honour by the Department of Natural Resources in the 20 years since the program started. Veinot says the family has been on the land since 1890. A presentation will be made to the family at their Lunenburg county farm on October 3rd.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Motorcyclist Funeral
A motorcyclist killed in an unusual and tragic accident will be laid to rest tomorrow afternoon. The funeral service for Gregory Allen Naugler is being held at St. Paul's Lutheran church in Bridgewater. The Captain with the Oakhill Volunteer Fire Department was killed when his bike hit another motorcycle on Highway 325. Two other people, a man and woman also in their 50's are still in hospital. Investigators are still at a loss to explain exactly what happened that night. The collision happened about 8:15 and the bikes were travelling towards each other when somehow Naugler's ended up crossing the centerline. Police say speed doesn't appear to have been a factor. And neither were alcohol or drugs.
History Winners
Two South Shore teenagers have been selected as the Nova Scotia delegation of 8 students to attend the 15th annual National Historica Fair in Ottawa from July 7 to 13. The National Historica Fair will bring together 100 students from across Canada for a week of learning and adventure that includes a public display of their history projects on Thursday, July 9th, at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Fifteen year old Jean Clarke, , from Lunenburg,has a project entitled Fisherman’s Suits, while 14 year old Haleigh Atwood from Shelburne will be there with a project entitled New France: The Electric City. The 100 National Fair delegates were selected from among the over 250,000 students in more than 1,000 communities who participated in local and Regional Historica Fairs in April and May.
Bike Collision
Questions still remain about what exactly happened to cause a head-on crash between two motorcycles that killed a Lunenburg County man. The accident happened on Friday night on Highway 325 in Oak Hill, just outside Bridgewater. R-C-M-P say a preliminary investigation shows that one motorcycle crossed the centre line and hit the other one. The driver of the motorcycle that crossed over -- a Lunenburg County man in his 50s -- was pronounced dead in South Shore Regional Hospital. He has been identified as Gregory Naugler of Pine Grove. The male driver of the other bike and a female passenger were injured. Their names have not been released yet.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Found Kids
It was a frantic five hours for an Ohio family visiting the south shore. But it ended with the nine-year old boy and five year old girl being reunited with their overjoyed family last evening. Lunenburg county RCMP say the family had just arrived in Rhodes Corner and were visiting with relatives when the kids wandered off from the back yard. They were last seen around 3:30 yesterday afternoon. Family and neighbours spent several hours looking for them before they called the RCMP. That was just before six last evening. A huge effort went into action with RCMP, a police service dog, members of the Lunenburg County Ground Search and Rescue team, Natural Resources workers and a D-N-R helicopter all responded. The kids were found before dark. They were found walking on a woods road about a half a kilometer from the Lunenburg County home. Both the boy and girl were in good condition when they were reunited with their parents just after 8:30 last night.
Farmer's Market
It's the return of the Farmer's Market to Bridgewater this weekend. Councillor David Mitchell says 15 vendors are confirmed and you'll be able to buy meat, produce and breads, crafts, pottery, jams and flowers. The market will be open on the town-leased parking lot on King Street, between Empire Street and Dominion Street. It will open rain or shine. There is no admission fee. The market will stay open Saturdays during the same time frame throughout the summer season, likely until October.
Privateer Funding
While the weather may not look the greatest for Privateer Days, the economic forecast is a little brighter today. Gerald Keddy was on hand for last night's opening ceremonies, and he had more than 20-thousand dollars in federal booty ($20,800). The Conservative Member of Parliament for the area says the Government is proud to support Privateer Days - something that celebrates our shared history. Anne Langille - the Chair of the event this year - says the money will help to bring back local entertainment to Privateer Days and celebrate the history of Queens county and it's privateering heritage. 2009 marks the 250th anniversary of the founding of Liverpool Township. The festival runs right through the weekend.
New Tourism President
A tough job ahead with declining numbers and a struggling tourism economy. A new president is in place for Destination Southwest Nova. Dan Myers of Oak Island Resort has been appointed by the association's board. He's been an active member of the group for the past two years and has been very involved with the marketing committee. Myers chaired the first meeting of the new board saying he believes in a regional approach to marketing the area. And he is looking forward to helping the Association build strong partnerships that will lead to increased visitation. Past President Rick Welsford helped lead the regional tourism industry association through the complicated amalgamation in 2006 but recently stepped down. The board thanked him for his leadership, hard work and commitment to the industry.
Health Workers
Two former recipients of the South Shore Health Bursary Program ,one RN and one LPN, have completed their return-for service agreements and are now working for South Shore Health. The program was established in 2006 and has provided funding to students from Lunenburg and Queens Counties who are interested in pursuing a career. The Bursary Program is funded by the Health Services Foundation and the Queens General Foundation and last year receivedadditional funding from the Fishermen’s Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. Successful recipients are required to enter into a return-for-service agreement with the District equal to the number of years supported by the program. This year, there are 6 recipients graduating from their chosen field of study: 4 RN's; 1 Medical Laboratory Technologist; and 1 Medical Radiology Technologist. Five of the recipients have or will begin their return-for service agreement over the next several months. The District is currently supporting 3 RN's and 1 Physician and hope to support an additional 5 students in 2009-2010.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Pavement vs Classrooms
A South Shore School Board member feels the province is putting asphalt ahead of student programming. Gary Mailman says the former government announced 2 million over 3 years for Parkview Education Centre and almost $250-thousand of that is to be used to construct a parking lot. Mailman says Parkview wasn't even identified as a Board priority, and he feels the money should be put into the Skills/Trades program. Mailman says New Germany Elementary and South Queens Junior High were overlooked by the province even though both schools were on the South Shore School Boards priority list.
Mahone Bay Taxes
An increase in the Mahone Bay's residential assessment means a decrease in tax rates. Overall assessments are up more than five percent to almost 107 million. Most homeowners will pay about the same tax bill as last year. Council was able to drop the residential tax rate down to a dollar 18 cents. Commercial rates increased by nine cents to 2.83 to cover the business occupancy tax phase out. Mahone Bay's budget this year is worth 1.96 million dollars.
Privateer Booty
Federal dollars are being made available for Privateer Days. The funding will be announced on Thursday at the Queens County Museum, just as the festival is getting underway. South Shore St. Margaret's MP Gerald Keddy will be making the presentation on behalf of the Conservative Government.
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