The public is being asked to provide their perspective to help prepare a discussion paper towards a new school review process. The review committee is looking for feedback from South Shore residents. Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Ramona Jennex announced in April that the school-review process was not working. She's looking for input that will help school review meet the needs for everyone involved. The deadline for submissions is July 31. The review committee will then develop a discussion paper by September. The paper will be made public and feedback from parents, school boards, communities and municipalities will be gathered again, before any decision is made. A new process is expected to be in place by next spring. People can make submit their suggestions online at
www.ednet.ns.ca/discussionpaperinput or email it to
discussionpaper@gov.ns.ca or mail it to:
School Review Process Review Committee
c/o Corporate Policy
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Box 578
2021 Brunswick St.
Halifax, N.S. B3J 2S9