Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Group Home Receives Council Nod Of Approval

The CEO of the LaHave Manor Corporation says she's relieved with a decision by Bridgewater council to allow a group home to remain in a residential neighbourhood. Town council voted 4-2 in favour of keeping Compassion House at 6 Evergreen Road. A by-law change now defines the home as a single dwelling unit, not an institution and allows five people to live in the home, up from three. Joanne Wentzell agrees with council's decision.

"We are very pleased with the decision that council made last night. I think that after being presented with all the facts and the information, they made the right decision." 

There will now be a 14-day window for people to appeal. If it is appealed, the matter will go to the province's Utility and Review Board for final decision.