VIDEO: Downe rejects takeover of Centre Consolidated
The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg has learned it will take over Centre Consolidated at the end of March. The province informed Don Downe recently and the mayor isn't too pleased about the situation. He says the Municipality already spent thousands of dollars on demolishing the Centre Jail, and they've inherited the Blockhouse School and Riverport Community School. Downe says inheriting Centre Consolidated would be a burden on the Municipality.
"That is a huge liability to this council. On top of the millions we've talked about, this school alone, to put into a condition for a sale, would be around $2-million of repairs that need to be dealt with immediately."
Downe says they're not accepting the takeover and wants the province to put a moratorium on it. He says the Municipality can't afford to pay for Centre and he plans to write detailed letters to local MLAs, the Minister responsible and the Premier about the situation.