Education Minister Ramona Jennex |
Education Minister Ramona Jennex is restoring stability for students, teachers and staff by replacing the South Shore Regional School board with an appointed board member. The move follows an independent report by Deloitte into the governance practices of the elected board. That report found frequent violations by the board of its own by-laws, persistent cases of conflict of interest, inappropriate use of in-camera meetings and a focus on individual agendas at the expense of the region's overall best interest. Jennex says it is clear from the Deloitte report that the board was unable to fulfill its duties and its conduct placed the quality of education for students at risk. Jennex informed board members in a meeting in Bridgewater Tuesday morning that she was exercising her authority under the Education Act, which allows her to transfer the school board's authority and responsibilities to Judith Sullivan-Corney, a former deputy minister.The Deloitte report is available on line at
http://www.ednet.ns.ca/. More details to come.