The 2010 Tent Dwellers Canoe Festival will be celebrated at Kejimkujik National Park next week. Parks Canada, in cooperation with Canoe Kayak Nova Scotia and Friends of Keji Cooperating Association, will celebrate wilderness camping, conservation, local history, and the canoe on Friday, August 13 through Sunday, August 15. As part of Friday nights festival there will be a viewing of a Meteor shower at 9:30pm. Tent Dwellers activities are free with regular admission to park. Bring or rent a canoe to recreate a section of the Tent Dwellers route Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. Depart Jakes Landing as part of a large canoe flotilla and head for tea and biscuits at Kedge Beach. For a complete schedule of events for this weekend celebration, please visit www.tentdwellers.ca, or for more information call (902) 682-2772. Tent Dwellers activities are free with regular admission to park.