Sunday, February 28, 2010
Storm leaves Four Homeless
Four people are temporarily homeless as a result of storm damage that tore part of the roof off a Bridgewater building Friday evening. The building at 740 King Street housed the Oddfellows Lodge, a ground floor hair salon and two second storey apartments. The Canadian Red Cross arranged emergency lodging and meals for all four adults. It's not known when they'll be able to return to their apartments because of structural damage and flooding from the heavy rain and high winds.
Flooding Forces out Family
A Lunenburg County family had to be rescued by boat over the weekend after their home near Barrs Corner was surrounded by water. Heavy flooding in the area Saturday forced the family to evacuate their residence on the Haines Road, about 30 kilometres northwest of Bridgewater. The house was surrounded by water from the overflowing Lake William. Officials were concerned the roadbed could also be washed out. The Canadian Red Cross arranged emergency lodging and food for the couple and their three children ages 2, 3 and 4.
Shoreham Health Centre Funding
Chester Council is providing 10 thousand dollars in funding to the Shoreham Health Resources Centre upon completion of the project. Warden Alan Webber says Council originally wanted to lend Shoreham 25 thousand dollars to be repaid over 5 years but legally were not able to do so. He says Council then had to make a decision. Council reached a compromise giving the Centre 10 thousand dollars. Webber says Council agrees it's a good project butone where the Municipality doesn't want to get too deeply involved in the Health care issue, but Webber says no one else is stepping up to the plate.
The Health Resource Centre is undergoing a 90 thousand dollar expansion to make room for a doctor. It's part of a larger picture expansion over the next 5 to 10 years which would eventually see the centre turn into a community health complex.
The Health Resource Centre is undergoing a 90 thousand dollar expansion to make room for a doctor. It's part of a larger picture expansion over the next 5 to 10 years which would eventually see the centre turn into a community health complex.
Friday, February 26, 2010
LCLC Concept Plan Unveiled

Some hard decisions will have to be made to determine the components of the proposed Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre. The architects unveiled conceptual plans to both councils this afternoon with a price tag for the full meal deal almost 11 million more than the original cost of 31.5 million dollars. LCLC Chair Paul Belliveau says the key to remember is this is a concept only. He says it's a working document and details still have to be worked out . Belliveau says budgets will be done once they know what they're building, because they have to know what
their programming will be in the building.
The architects have suggested cutting the second ice surface and phasing it in over five years. A public meeting has been slated for March 10th at a site yet to be determined to gather input before the joint councils make any decision .
Counterfeit Currency

It appears that bogus bills are still being passed in our area. To date 3 men and 1 woman are facing charges of possessing and passing counterfeit currency. Court dates have been set in March, April and May. Bridgewater Police and Lunenburg Country RCMP continue to investigate and expect to lay more charges.
Current power outages
Old Town Lunenburg: expects to be back on at 3:30pm today
Areas of Bridgewater, Caledonia, Liverpool, Chester: expects to be back on at 4:30pm today
Caused by high winds and rain.
Old Town Lunenburg: expects to be back on at 3:30pm today
Areas of Bridgewater, Caledonia, Liverpool, Chester: expects to be back on at 4:30pm today
Caused by high winds and rain.
Lunenburg Softball field funding
An investment has been made for upgrades for the Town of Lunenburg's main softball field. MP for South Shore-St. Margarets, Gerald Keddy made the announcement today of $6,333 from the federal government's Recreational Infrastructure Canada program. This investment will support the installation of permanent fencing, dugouts and new ground material for the ball field.
South Shore donations to Haiti Relief fund

People of the South Shore were very generous in making donations to the Haiti relief fund. A total of 64 thousand dollars was received at the Bridgewater Red Cross office since the devastating earthquake that happened on January 12th. The money is mainly being used in Haiti for medical care and setting up field hospitals in the Capital of Port au Prince to help out injured victims. Donations to the relief fund are still being taken at all Red Cross locations.
To make a donation to the Red Cross you can visit their Bridgewater office or at
Due to extended power outages Green Field elementary school and North Queen elementary are dismissing this hour. Also Forest Heights Community School dismissed at 8:30 this morning.
For power outtages in Nova Scotia visit:
For power outtages in Nova Scotia visit:
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Architects Report on LCLC Ready
The architects report on the proposed Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre will be publicly unveiled today. Councils for the the Town of Bridgewater and Municipality of the District of Lunenburg will hold a joint meeting at 12:30 to receive and discuss the report. The initial concept for the 31.5 million dollar facility to be built on York Street included two ice surfaces, an aquatic centre and public library. Today's meeting which is open to the public is set for 12:30 in Council Chambers of Bridgewater Town Hall, 60 Pleasant Street.
Roundabout Landscaping

Town Council has been asked for its input on landscaping the inner circle of a proposed roundabout at North Street and Aberdeen Road.The design engineers explained it's an important part of the project and offers a show opportunity. The area will not be accessible to the public and will act as a visual buffer from allowing the travelling public to see the traffic on the other side of the roundabout. Also, the area will act as a safety barrier to prevent traffic from accidentally driving through the centre creating an accident. Mayor Carroll Publicover says it's important for the area to look attractive and be well maintained as it will be one of the main entrances into the Town.
Wilsons Gas Bar in Lunenburg

Another hurdle has been cleared in the proposal for a gas bar on Falkland Street in Lunenburg. Wilsons Fuel Company is planning to re-develop the existing location to include a Gas Stop Bar, convenience store and fast-food drive through restaurant. Mayor Laurence Mawhinney says the Town commissioned a traffic study of the area before proceeding to amend the Land Use By-law to permit the development.
The traffic study determined access management would be better for the site as there are currently no restrictions. The public hearing will be held in the Lunenburg Court House, 6 p.m., March 23rd.
Assessment Appeal
Lunenburg Town Council is appealing the assessment of the new Provincial building on Green Street .The building was officially opened July 25th, 2008 with a final price tag of 6.6 million dollars. The estimated cost of the building when it was announced in August 2004 was 2 million dollars. Mayor Laurence Mawhinney says Council is appealing the assessment this year because it does not reflect construction value. The building currently houses the regional offices of the Departments of Natural Resources, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal, Emergency Management and Health Promotion and Protection and
School Board By-election

The South Shore Regional School Board has set April 17th the date of a by-election. The District 9 seat is vacant following the passing of former Board member Wanda Bezanson who lost her battle with cancer earlier this month. Bezanson was a dedicated Board member for 19 years and served as Chair for 6 years. The deadline for nominations is March 23rd, with an advance polling date set for April 9th.
Bowl for Kids Sake

It will be a fun filled weekend at the Bowl for Kids Sake event for the South Shore. The Big Brothers, Big Sisters organization is hosting the 25th annual event to raise money for the program. Executive Director, Sandra Murray says it's a very exciting event for the area. For more information on Big Brothers, Big Sisters and on how you can become involved visit
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Weight Restrictions Next Week
Winter's not officially over but come Monday Spring weight restrictions for heavy trucks go into effect across the province. Milder temperatures mean provincial roads are more susceptible to damage from heavy trucks. The restrictions are usually removed in late April or early May. The weight restrictions will go into effect at 12:01 a.m. March 1st.
New Baptist Church Proposed
Almost three years ago Bridgewater Town Council approved a Development Agreement for a seniors assisted living facility and the future construction of a new Baptist Church. An application is now before Town Council to amend the agreement to permit for its construction . The proposal calls for a 28 thousand square foot church with a 500 seat sanctuary and stage area, 10 classrooms, 5 plus offices along with kitchen facilities and a 6 thousand square foot gymnasium. The church along with the Drumlin Hills housing facility would complete the proposed campus on Glen Allan Drive. Construction of a new Baptist Church could start as early as this construction season, however, the timeline will be largely dependent on continuing fundraising efforts.
A public participation meeting has been scheduled for March 17th in council chambers.
A public participation meeting has been scheduled for March 17th in council chambers.
Geriatric Clinic for FMH
Beginning next month South Shore Health will provide a geriatric clinic at Fishermen's Memorial Hospital. C-E-O Alice Leverman says the clinic is a partnership between the QE-2 in Halifax and South Shore'Health's seniors team focusing on providieng support and intervention to seniors who really have the most complex health issues.Leverman says the idea is to provide as much assessment, early identification and intervention of strategies that will allow seniors to be maintained at home in their own commuity as effectively as possible.
Shelburne Arena Improvements
The Shelburne Arena is getting more than 37 thousand dollars in federal funding under the Recreational Infrastructure program. Improvements to the arena include upgrades to the electrical system, new floor rubber, structural repairs, a new dehumidifier and enhancements to the compressor. South Shore/St. Margaret's MP Gerald Keddy made the announcement yesterday afternoon following similar funding announcements earlier in the day for the Liverpool Curling Club and Greenfield Recreation Centre.
Recreation Cash for Queens County
Two Queen’s County recreational facilities will receive significant upgrades, as a result of federal funding. South Shore/St. Margaret's MP Gerald Keddy announced a combined investment of 20 thousand 78 dollars in support of the Liverpool Curling Club and the Greenfield Recreation Centre. The Liverpool Curling Club has received $9,800 to complete a series of repairs and upgrades including the installation of a new main door replacement of 150 feet of window sills; the installation of new insulation and vinyl siding and the purchase of new heaters for the ice shed. Improvements to the Greenfield Rec Centre include repairs to its roof, corner boards, gymnasium floor and siding; the installation of a new security system and an overhaul of the Centre’s softball field.
Federal funding for both projects is provided through the Recreational Infrastructure program,
Federal funding for both projects is provided through the Recreational Infrastructure program,
Arrests made in cross burning incident
Two men have been arrested in the cross burning incident in Hants County. 20-year-old Nathan Neil Rehburg, and 19-year-old Justin Chad Rehburg are charged with Public Incitement of Hatred, Mischief- Enjoyment of Property and Uttering Threats.They were expected to appear in court this morning.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Mayor to Meet with Class Afloat
Lunenburg Mayor Laurence Mawhinney will meet with Class Afloat officials today to discuss the schools future plans and ongoing role in the community. The group rents space at the Lunenburg Academy. Mawhinney says having all come through a very traumatic week in their lives Class Afloat are now looking at what the future will hold and will be doing an assessment of what their needs may be. He says the Town will be open to looking at ways to encourage them to continue with the excellent work they have done. Mawhinney says he's approaching the dialogue with an open mind and positive attitude
The tall ship S-V Concordia sank off Brazil last Wednesday. All 64 students and crew were rescued after spending up to 40 hours in the Atlantic.
The tall ship S-V Concordia sank off Brazil last Wednesday. All 64 students and crew were rescued after spending up to 40 hours in the Atlantic.
Digital Mammography Unit for SSRH
South Shore Health is getting some new modern machinery thanks to funding by the province. CEO Alice Leverman says the District is one of 5 in the province that will be receiving funding for a new digital mammography unit. The 600 thousand dollar cost is being fully funded by the Department of Health. The District will spend an additional 50 thousand on renovations to the Diagnostic Imaging Department. The new machine is expected to be in operation next month. Meantime, a new CT scanner will be operational in April. The Department of Health has provided 1.1 million towards the purchase of the new scanner to replace the current 11 year old model. South Shore Health will be looking to the hospital foundations to help raise the difference in cost of an additional 92 thousand dollars.
Farmington Fire
Five fire departments were called to battle a blaze in Farmington which started before six p.m.last night. New Germany got the initial call to a house fire at 451 Charles Hill Road at 5:37pm. The structure was fully engulfed when they arrived. Tankers were called in from Northfield, Hemford, Cornwall and Springfield Fire Departments to assist New Germany. Bridgewater was on standby for the Northfield Fire Department. The Red Cross was also contacted to provide assistance to the family.
Shelburne Family Escapes Fire
A Shelburne family is being assisted by the Red Cross following a weekend fire that is being deemed suspicious. All three family members were asleep when the fire broke out in their duplex which was extensively damaged around 3 o'clock Sunday morning . They escaped without injury and are staying with relatives for now. Shelburne firefighters prevented flames from spreading to the other half of the duplex. An investigation is ongoing.
The Red Cross has provided personal-care items and covered the cost of emergency purchases of clothing and food.
The Red Cross has provided personal-care items and covered the cost of emergency purchases of clothing and food.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Agricultural Review Public Hearing
Residents of Lunenburg and surrounding area are invited to
the Provincial Agricultural Review public meeting this Wednesday night.
It's one of a series of public meetings focusing on determining the future of Nova Scotia's agricultural lands. A brief presentation from the Agricultural Land Review Committee Chair, Richard Williams will open the public discussion. Wednesday's meeting is scheduled for 7 o'clock a the Lunenburg Fire Hall
the Provincial Agricultural Review public meeting this Wednesday night.
It's one of a series of public meetings focusing on determining the future of Nova Scotia's agricultural lands. A brief presentation from the Agricultural Land Review Committee Chair, Richard Williams will open the public discussion. Wednesday's meeting is scheduled for 7 o'clock a the Lunenburg Fire Hall
New CT Scanner for South Shore Health
A new CT scanner should be up and running at South Shore Regional Hospital in April. South Shore Health CEO Alice Leverman says the Department of Health contributed 1.1 million to purchase a new machine to replace their current 11 year old scanner. The cost is a little bit in addition to the money given by government, so Leverman says they'll be looking to the hospital foundations for support in filling the gap of 92 thousand dollars.
The Health Department is also providing 600 thousand dollars for a new digital mammography unit for South Shore Health. That's expected to be in place in March.
The Health Department is also providing 600 thousand dollars for a new digital mammography unit for South Shore Health. That's expected to be in place in March.
New Town Street
He owned a tannery, a boot and shoe factory and mercantile store. Now he's being honoured with a street named after him. Bridgewater Town Council has approved the new street leading to the future Lawton's store be named Waterman Street. The recommendation was put forward by the Heritage Advisory Committee. J.E. Waterman and Company , later called Waterman Tanning Limited was located on Victoria Road. In 1871 the company employed 6 men and 1 woman. The original tannery was torn down in 1904 and rebuilt on the same site.
Grants Policy on Hold
Bridgewater Town Council will see another budget year go by without having established a "Grants to Organizations Policy". Mayor Carroll Publicover says its been kicked around more times than most footballs in the playgrounds of the county. He says in the end of it all, it may not be something that a policy solves.He says there's always an exception to the rule, and it might be an issue Council has to sit down and use its best judgement and decide how much is given to which group and for what purpose. Publicover says it wouldn't be fair to the people who have already submitted requests for grants to change the process at this stage. However, he says a policy will definately be in place for the next fiscal year.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Quality Improvement Plan for South Shore Health
South Shore Health is in the process of creating a Quality Improvement Action Plan. C-E-O Alice Leverman (LEE-ver-man) says the Plan will focus on quality improvements that make the best use of their limited resources. She says their goal is to ensure they are delivering their services as effectively and efficiently as they can in order to maximize their human and financial resources, while at the same time improve patient and client outcomes and experiences.
Leverman says the Quality Improvement Action Plan is part of the District's efforts to move forward with their Strategic Plan.
Leverman says the Quality Improvement Action Plan is part of the District's efforts to move forward with their Strategic Plan.
Friday, February 19, 2010

A Lunenburg-based tall-ship has capsized and sunk off the coast of Brazil.
The Department of Foreign Affairs reports that all 64 people aboard the "S-V Concordia" have been rescued.West Island College "Class Afloat" is a Lunenburg-based alternative educational program. It offers high school and university-aged students courses aboard a sailing ship.
Schooner Cove Marine goes up in flames
A fire that broke out this morning at a business in Boutiliers Point is under control according to officials. The Hubbards fire Department received a call shortly after 5:30 this morning to a blaze at "Schooner Cove Marine" in Boutillier's Point. Firefighters are still on scene digging out hot spots, no word yet on the cause of the fire but no injuries were sustained.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Seniors Funding for New Ross Area
The Forties Communities Centre getting some federal funding for its “Greetings & Wildlife Preservation.” project. The project will provide local seniors with the opportunity to teach other seniors the art of card making and the construction of wood duck nesting boxes. Once the wood duck nesting boxes are constructed, seniors will partner with local youth to place and care for these nesting boxes to protect the endangered wood duck. MP Gerald Keddy announced federal support of 12 thousand ,420 dollars under the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
CAP costs Region of Queens
The Region of Queens is losing about 500 thousand dollars in revenue as a result of the provincial CAP. Mayor John Leefe says the Cap Assessment Program has reduced in Queens the amount of taxable property by 130 million dollars, and that's a lot of money. Leefe says the largest cost for the Region is Education which is roughly two and a-half million. Policing is in the 1.5 to 2 million dollar range and there are landfill fees and others costs as well.
A presentation to Council by Property Valuation Services shows residential and commercial properties in the Municipality are valued at 932 million. However, that figure drops to 802 million because the CAP protects more than 8 thousand properties from large assessment hikes .
A presentation to Council by Property Valuation Services shows residential and commercial properties in the Municipality are valued at 932 million. However, that figure drops to 802 million because the CAP protects more than 8 thousand properties from large assessment hikes .
Queen's Manor Requests Sidewalk
It's been an ongoing issue since 1994. Queen's Manor was back before Municipal Council on Monday to request the installation of a sidewalk on Hollands Drive leading from Waterloo Street to the Manor. The Board of the Directors would like the project to be considered for this budget year citing safety reasons. Mayor John Leefe says the initial request goes back to Liverpool Town Council and was for a full blown sidewalk, curb and gutter, which is an expensive proposition. Leefe says the Board has since agreed a walkway will be sufficient, and will agree to asphalt being used for the surface rather than concrete. Leefe says the matter will be taken into account when the Municipality does it budget.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Bogus Bills
Some bogus bills are making their way around Lunenburg County. During the past week, approximately ten counterfeit 100 dollar bills have been offered as genuine currency to various retailers in Lunenburg County. RCMP say the bills in question were part of the 1986 series of bank notes often referred to as the "Birds of Canada" series. All Canadian bank notes have security features that are reliable, quick and easy to use. Police say by making it a habit to check two or more of the features when you accept cash, you can avoid being stuck with a counterfeit.
For further information on Canadian banknotes and the security features, you can refer to the Bank of Canada website.
For further information on Canadian banknotes and the security features, you can refer to the Bank of Canada website.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Council Concerned over Crown Office Closure
The Region of Queens Municipal Council will put up a fight to keep a Crown prosecutor's office in Liverpool. Amid reports the office could be one of a number considered for closure, Mayor John Leefe is going to the top. He's writing the Director of Crown Prosecutions expressing councils concerns over the potential office closure. Leefe says such a move will impact witnesses for the Crown, costs to the defendant, the RCMP and the Municipality itself. He says it would pose a challenge in terms of time and transportation. The Mayor sought input from the Region's solicitor Jim Dipersio and Queen's RCMP Staff Sergeant Bruno Deveau . Leefe says there are all kinds of very valid reasons with respect that the justice system functions properly that the Crown office remains in Liverpool, and that will be his core message to Martin Herschorn.
As well, Leefe has taken the matter up with MLA Vicki Conrad who plans to speak to the Justice Minister on the issue.
As well, Leefe has taken the matter up with MLA Vicki Conrad who plans to speak to the Justice Minister on the issue.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Up in Smoke

A Yarmouth County man has been handed one of the highest fines ever imposed in Bridgewater Provincial Court last Thursday,February 11th for having illegal cigarettes. Fifty-two year old Richard Lee White was fined a total of 335 thousand dollars under the provincial Revenue Act and federal Excise Act. White was arrested following a routine traffic stop near Maitland on March 19th/2008. Police found 50 cases containing 500 thousand illegal smokes in the cube van at the time the vehicle was stopped on Highway 103. His lawyer says it will take years , maybe his client's entire lifetime to pay off the fines.
Transit Service Still a Possibility
The possibility of a transit system for Lunenburg County is still very much alive. The Municipality of Lunenburg defeated a motion calling for a hybrid/Lunenburg County model integrating fixed services with on demand services. TRIP funding would be allocated for a detailed analysis and action plan. The recommendation by the Joint Transit Committee was defeated by a vote of 7 to 6. Mayor Don Downe says that doesn't mean the project is dead. He says the matter has been referred back to the Transit Committee to do some due diligence and bring back a recommendation that Councillors can see first hand what is needed to move forward. Bridgewater Town Council had concerns that without the Municipality's support the other partner units would not be able to proceed. The next meeting of the Joint Transit Committee is set for February 23rd.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Teen Place Youth Nights Grant
New Germany Area Promotion Society, Teen Place Youth Nights is one of 15 organizations involved in community recreational activities to receive $12,000 from the province's Lighthouses Program,
The program helps community groups provide recreational, educational, cultural and life skills programs for Nova Scotia youth. Justice Minister Ross Landry says it's important to prevent crime before it happens and these grants will help youth get involved in after school recreational programs. The grant applications were reviewed by a crime prevention advisory committee. An additional $180 thousand dollars will be awarded again next year.
The program helps community groups provide recreational, educational, cultural and life skills programs for Nova Scotia youth. Justice Minister Ross Landry says it's important to prevent crime before it happens and these grants will help youth get involved in after school recreational programs. The grant applications were reviewed by a crime prevention advisory committee. An additional $180 thousand dollars will be awarded again next year.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
J.C. Wickwire Study

A feasibility study of the Dr. J.C. Wickwire Academy in Liverpool concludes the school was not designed to accommodate expansion.. Superintendent Nancy Pynch-Worthylake says the province requested the South Shore Regional School Board to carry out the study to determine the appropriateness of renovating the facility to address the need to replace the existing South Queens Junior High School. The architects suggest a new middle school could be constructed for approximately the same cost as renovating J.C. Wickwire.
Currently Dr. John C. Wickwire Academy includes grades two to six , in a 45 thousand square foot building that was constructed in 1995. Pynch-Worthylake says the Board passed a motion to request a new grades 6 to 8 middle school, and also wants a meting with the Minister of Education to discuss the matter.
Bolivar-Getson Returns Items
Former Lunenburg West MLA Carolyn Bolivar-Getson will be returning items to government surplus that were purchased during her time as MLA. Bolivar-Getson says she has consulted with the Speakers Office on numerous occasion since she ceased to be an MLA last June, on how to handle the items in her possession. She says she was advised on a course of action and adhered to it. Bolivar-Getson says all the items were purchased under the rules and approved by the Speakers Office. She wants to give all the items over to government surplus as soon as possible.
Among the items being returned are computers, digital cameras, desks, printers, a generator, a television and other general office items.
Among the items being returned are computers, digital cameras, desks, printers, a generator, a television and other general office items.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Floating Fountain
A floating fountain for the LaHave River has been approved by Town Council at a cost of almost 70 thousand dollars. Bridgewater Mayor Carroll Publicover says it's part of phase one of the overall waterfront improvement plan for the downtown area. Other components for renovations to King Street Court include a floating dock and gangway, a look-off and the installation of interpretative panels. Both the provincial and federal governments have provided funding for the multi-year Riverfront Renaissance project.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Raw Sewage in the River
A county resident says there needs to be more action and less talk on the issue of raw sewage being dumped in the LaHave River. In a presentation to Lunenburg Municipal Council, Linda Maxwell says there's a growing sense of chagrin and disgust at what is happening in the river. Maxwell,who lives in Middle Lahave says the Porter Dillon report in 1993 was a laudable firs step but it appears its findings and suggestions for remediation have been shelved as was the report. She says although a few problematic septic systems may have been upgraded, essentially it's business as usual.
Maxwell says there appear to be no by-laws forcing upgrades to code, nor any pro-active involvement in testing or in requiring upgrades from either the Department of the Environment or the Department of Health, both who whom were participants in the Porter Dillon report. Maxwell adds she's certain there is "no one size fits all" answer to the problem, but is equally certain that it must be dealt with immediately.
Maxwell says there appear to be no by-laws forcing upgrades to code, nor any pro-active involvement in testing or in requiring upgrades from either the Department of the Environment or the Department of Health, both who whom were participants in the Porter Dillon report. Maxwell adds she's certain there is "no one size fits all" answer to the problem, but is equally certain that it must be dealt with immediately.
DriveWiser Program
The Town of Bridgewater is one of six municipal units to enroll in the provincial "DriveWiser Active Communities" program. The program through Clean Nova Scotia is designed to reduce municipal fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions while contributing to cleaner air. Mayor Carroll Publicover says the program will allow the town to build on existing initiatives so that transportation fuel consumption can be minimized for its vehicle fleet and the wider community. Council has committed to develop an Idle-Free Policy for town properties and display Idle Free signs on town buildings.
Skilled Trade & Technology Opportunities
Grade nine students will get an opportunity today to try out skilled trade and technology careers that are in demand. A youth event organized by Skills Canada- Nova Scotia and its partners called the TechShop will be held at the Nova Scotia Community College, Lunenburg Campus in Bridgewater. TechShop is a one-day career exploration event of skilled trades and technology careers. Students experience opportunities in skilled trades and technologies through a hands-on approach. Workshops explore careers such as heritage carpentry and mechanical drafting, and stress the importance of strong math, science, and communications skills to maximize career choices.
Skills Canada - Nova Scotia is a not-for-profit organization that promotes skilled trades and technologies to Nova Scotia youth through a variety of programs and events.
Skills Canada - Nova Scotia is a not-for-profit organization that promotes skilled trades and technologies to Nova Scotia youth through a variety of programs and events.
MODL Operations Review
A draft scope of work has been approved for an Operations Review of the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg. The overall objective of the study is to review the effectiveness of the organization and ability to meet current and future service level expectations. Mayor Don Downe says it gives Council the foundation to go forward . He says as well the taxpayers and public are interested in getting value for money, and know the Municipality is being run efficiently and effectively. To complete the Operations Review in the 2010/11 fiscal year a budget commitment of 35 thousand dollars will be required. There is the possibility of obtaining provincial funding to a maximum of 10 thousand dollars.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Porn Theatres Can't be Banned
Bridgewater Council is looking at options to control adult entertainment uses in the Town. Mayor Carroll Publicover says Council can't outright ban a legitimate applicant but can implement measures of control. A number of options have been compiled by the Town Planner but Councillors want more time before considering which direction to follow. They have narrowed down the options to permit adult entertainment uses in certain existing zones by development agreement, or by site plan approval. The proactive stance is being taken as a result of possible concerns the owner of Sister Sarah's was considering opening an adult movie theatre. Franklyn Rhyno a former resident of the Town was looking at opening a number of the cinema's to recoup lost revenue relating to fees charged by the province to rate the movies sold in his stores.
Lifestyle Centre Update
It's another step forward for the long awaited Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre. Chair Paul Belliveau appeared before Bridgewater Council Monday night with an update on the status of the project. He says they have now moved to the stage that a Project Manager is required to be able to move forward. The cost of the project manager over the term of the construction is 471 thousand dollars plus HST. Belliveau says they are still in the "Quiet Phase" of the fundraising program but to date have received or have pledges for 424 thousand dollars.
With respect to the site, Belliveau says they will not be doing any work on it until they confirm what the actual facility will consist of and where it will actually be placed. A meeting with the Architect is planned for later this month to receive preliminary Class "C" budgets as well as preliminary conceptual drawings.
With respect to the site, Belliveau says they will not be doing any work on it until they confirm what the actual facility will consist of and where it will actually be placed. A meeting with the Architect is planned for later this month to receive preliminary Class "C" budgets as well as preliminary conceptual drawings.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Remembering Wanda
A long time member of the South Shore Regional School Board has lost her battle with cancer. Fifty-four year old Wanda Bezanson (Broome) of Fraxville, New Ross passed away peacefully at home Thursday evening after a lengthy and courageous battle with cancer. A dedicated Board member for 19 years, Bezanson served as Chair for 7 years and was actively involved in Nova Scotia School Board Association activities. She was the elected official for District nine, . Bezanson had also been a Councillor for District 6 in the Municipality of Chester for 6 years. Making wreaths in her basement with her mom turned into a business, Norwood Farms. This business evolved into her CropHopper business and she nurtured scrapbooking for many across Nova Scotia. Wanda will be dearly missed by her special mom, Pansy Bezanson, son Mark, daughter Laura and grandchildren Brooke and Madyson Bent, all of New Ross
There will be a celebration of Wanda's life at 2 p.m. on Tuesday,February 9th at the Forties Community Centre.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Bridgewater Police at the Olympics
Two of Bridgewater's finest are heading off to the Olympics... but not as competitors. Deputy-Chief John Collyer and Constable Jamie Dearing will be part of a 6 thousand strong security force tasked with providing security at the various venues of the games. Collyer says about a year and a-half ago the RCMP put out a call for volunteers and he put his name forward. Because there was so much competition for the other spot, they had a draw and Cst. Dearing was the winner. The Deputy Chief leaves for the Games on Friday and will be stationed at the Cypress Mountain venue while Cst. Dearing will be deployed to Whistler. Both members return March 1st.
Beware of Scam
A fraudulent scam is making its rounds in Lunenburg County. A resident of Garden Lots was contacted by phone and advised her grandson was incarcerated in jail in the Montreal area. She was then requested to send 5 thousand dollars to bail him out. When the woman asked specific questions about her grandson, the male on the other end got annoyed and hung up. RCMP are advising the public to be mindful of these possible scams and be wary asking for large sums of money. If the public is suspicious, they should hang up and call the police.
Bridgewater School Board Contract
The final two School Board CUPE groups in Bridgewater have ratified their new contract in strong numbers. Betty Jean Sutherland, the CUPE National Representative says close to 500 members of Local 3890, employees of the Chignecto-Central Regional School Board, voted 88% in favour of the five-year deal. Meanwhile, CUPE National Representative Carl Crouse says employees with the CSAP, the French school board, voted 98% in favour of the package.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Navy Celebrations set for Lunenburg
The date hasn't been set but the Town of Lunenburg will be hosting a celebration this year in honour of the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Navy. Mayor Laurence Mawhinney says he 's been contacted by Rear Admiral P.A. Madison on behalf of the Navy. Mawhinney says it is the intent of the Navy to honour each of the 320 Canadian communities whose names have been shared with Canadian warships since 1910. Lunenburg is one of those communities, and Mawhinney says the Town will undertake plans with the Navy to make it a memorable occasion.
Meantime the Town is aiming for May 17th, the Norwegian national holiday to have the Norwegian Plaque moved to the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic so more visitors will be able to share the story it tells.
Meantime the Town is aiming for May 17th, the Norwegian national holiday to have the Norwegian Plaque moved to the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic so more visitors will be able to share the story it tells.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Spring Break Concerns
CORRECTION..on school calendar for 2011-12
The South Shore Regional School Board is objecting to the 2011-12 school calendar which gives Halifax Region and area students a spring break in February. Following that comes a Canada-Games-break that will allow them to attend or participate in the Games. Students in the rest of the province , however, get their spring-break in March.
The South Shore Board says spring break should be consistent for all schools across the province. The Board will send a letter to Education Minister Marilyn Moore expressing its concerns the calendar denies other students in the province an equal opportunity to attend the Games.
The South Shore Regional School Board is objecting to the 2011-12 school calendar which gives Halifax Region and area students a spring break in February. Following that comes a Canada-Games-break that will allow them to attend or participate in the Games. Students in the rest of the province , however, get their spring-break in March.
The South Shore Board says spring break should be consistent for all schools across the province. The Board will send a letter to Education Minister Marilyn Moore expressing its concerns the calendar denies other students in the province an equal opportunity to attend the Games.
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