Their motto is "Be Prepared" they're committed to helping seniors shovel snow. The local 3rd Bridgewater Scout Troop is getting set to dig out local seniors with a new program called Operation S.O.S. The service is for seniors who do not have the means or connections to have their walks or driveways shoveled after a snowstorm. Shoveling is offered as a stop-gap measure until seniors can find family, friends, or a paid service to help them out. The program was started after Bridgewater Police Service received a call from an elderly woman who needed help to clear her driveway. Her son, who usually cleared her driveway, was away taking his children to university. With serious health concerns, the snow filled driveway was considered a safety issue, and the request was passed to the town's Seniors Safety Coordinator, Beth George, who contacted Scouts Canada - South Shore Area to see if they could help. Area Commissioner & Troop Scouter Peter Biddle came to the rescue, and offered to visit the woman to see how the Scouts could help. The visit turned into a quick shovel job, and the problem was resolved. The incident gave rise to an idea to offer a pilot project to have Scouts shovel out seniors that need their snow cleared.
Seniors can register for the pilot program through the Bridgewater Police Service. or contact Peter Biddle at 543-2445 .
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Name the New Lunenburg School
The South Shore Regional School Board has approved the process to name the new P-to-9 school for Lunenburg. Superintendent Nancy Pynch-Worthylake says the School Steering Committee forwarded the recommendation which was accepted by the Board at its monthly January meeting . Suggested names will be invited from all stakeholders including the students who will be attending the new facility. A shortlist of five names will be voted on by the students with the three names that get the most votes presented to the Board, which will make the final decision.
The new 23 million dollar school will be built on the same site as the old school on Knickle Road.
The new 23 million dollar school will be built on the same site as the old school on Knickle Road.
Friday, January 29, 2010
2nd Annual Memorial Pet Food Drive
Thursday, January 28, 2010
South Shore School Board Beliefs
The South Shore Regional School Board has adopted a "Belief Statement". Superintendent Nancy Pynch-Worthylake says it will frame the work of the Board in the region. As part of a multi-year strategic plan the Board has already
approved its Mission Statement. It has three goal areas which are Student Achievement, Efficiency and Effective Operations and Board Governance.
There are seven beliefs in the statement and are as follows:
1/ Student learning is our primary responsibility.
2/ All students have the ability to learn
3/ Students learn at their own pace and in different ways.
4/ Learning is a partnership among home, school and community.
5/ Schools must be safe, supportive and socially just where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
6/ In the development of the whole person (cognitive, social, emotional physical and artistic)
7/ Learning is a lifelong process
approved its Mission Statement. It has three goal areas which are Student Achievement, Efficiency and Effective Operations and Board Governance.
There are seven beliefs in the statement and are as follows:
1/ Student learning is our primary responsibility.
2/ All students have the ability to learn
3/ Students learn at their own pace and in different ways.
4/ Learning is a partnership among home, school and community.
5/ Schools must be safe, supportive and socially just where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
6/ In the development of the whole person (cognitive, social, emotional physical and artistic)
7/ Learning is a lifelong process
Student Ambassador
A Bridgewater student has been chosen to be an ambassador of bilingualism. Madison Acker will represent Nova Scotia at French for the Future’s National Ambassador Youth Forum in Halifax from February 13th to 16th. During the four-day forum in Halifax, ambassadors will explore topics related to Canada’s Francophone cultures and the advantages and challenges of bilingualism. The Forum brings together 30 high school students from across Canada and is held in a different Canadian city each year.
Madison is a grade 12 student at Bridgewater High School. She is enrolled in the French Immersion program and is the secretary of the student council.
Madison is a grade 12 student at Bridgewater High School. She is enrolled in the French Immersion program and is the secretary of the student council.
Retirement Allowance on the Table
There's still more bargaining ahead for the South Shore Regional School Board. NSGEU President Joan Jessome was at the Board's meeting Wednesday night to pitch a plea on behalf of the local union . She says one of the issues on the table is the retirement allowance. which comes in many different formulas such as a week of salary for every year of service . Jessome says the proposal they put forward is very very moderate compared to what many public sector employees already enjoy. Jessome admitted it's very irregular for any union to make a pitch at a school board on a labour relations issue that's at the bargaining table.In fact, she says she has never done it before.
School Board Workers Ratify Deal
CUPE school board workers with the South Shore Regional School Board have overwhelmingly ratified their new contract. CUPE National Representative Carl Crouse says the members of Local 46-82 have voted 97% in favour of the five-year deal which sees a 2.9 percent increase retroactive for the years 2007,
08 and 09.. There is also a one percent wage increase for the years 2010 and 2011. The contract contains wage hikes totalling more than 10 percent over the life of the deal. As well the South Shore Board has also agreed to adjust the Head Mechanic rate to $22.46 effective April 1, 2009.
08 and 09.. There is also a one percent wage increase for the years 2010 and 2011. The contract contains wage hikes totalling more than 10 percent over the life of the deal. As well the South Shore Board has also agreed to adjust the Head Mechanic rate to $22.46 effective April 1, 2009.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Big Tancook Elementary School to Remain Open
A victory for the residents of Big Tancook who will get to keep their school. The South Shore Regional School Board voted unanimously last night to conclude the school review process and keep Big Tancook Elementary School open. The Board also voted not to conduct a further review until 2020, or unless enrolment drops below 3 students. One option would have seen the students taking the ferry to Chester, but even Dr. Jim Gunn who authored the consultants report which initiated the formal review process was against having the younger children having to leave the island to attend school.
Hillary Dionne the Chair of the school's advisory council was overwhelmed with emotion when she heard the Board's decision. Her six year old daughter and nine year old son are among the five students currently attending Big Tancook Elementary.
Hillary Dionne the Chair of the school's advisory council was overwhelmed with emotion when she heard the Board's decision. Her six year old daughter and nine year old son are among the five students currently attending Big Tancook Elementary.
Honours for the Blues man
A hometown honour for the late Dutch Mason known as the "Prime Minister of the Blues.". Lunenburg Town Council approved a procedural policy for the recognition of Prominent Lunenburgers and Mason will be among the inaugural honorees. The event is in the planning process as Council would like to see a minimum of five names submitted for the initial ceremony. Council also set guidelines to only consider people who have passed away for a minimum of three years.
Mason was born in Lunenburg in 1938 and lived in Masons Beach for 11 years before moving with his family to Kentville. He died December 23rd, 2006
Mason was born in Lunenburg in 1938 and lived in Masons Beach for 11 years before moving with his family to Kentville. He died December 23rd, 2006
Karissa Boudreau memorial pet food drive

Friends and Family of the late Karissa Boudreau are holding a memorial pet food drive today to honour her memory.
From 11am until 6pm outside of Cardinal Outfitters in the Bridgewater Mall the "Karissa Boudreau Memorial Pet Food Drive" will be taking place. All donations will be going to the Lunenburg County SPCA.
Karissa had aspirations of one day becoming a veterinarian,and would be greatly pleased knowing that animals in distress are being helped in her memory.
Some donation suggestions are:cat and kitten food,kitty litter,water dishes,pet beds,pet toys,etc.
Facebook Group:
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
LED Lights for Lunenburg
It could be another first for the Town of Lunenburg. The UNESCO designated site could become the first such one in North America to be completely lit with L-E-D roadlights. There's already 60 of the energy efficient mercury-free lights installed as part of a pilot project. Mayor Laurence Mawhinney says the Town will seek funding through ECO-Trust Nova Scotia to cost share in replacing the remaining 532 street lights.
LED Roadway Lighting says the Town could recover it's investment of 178 thousand dollars because of reduced energy costs. The company is also offering a 10 year guarantee which would cover off the period during which the lights would be paid for
LED Roadway Lighting says the Town could recover it's investment of 178 thousand dollars because of reduced energy costs. The company is also offering a 10 year guarantee which would cover off the period during which the lights would be paid for
Monday, January 25, 2010
Energy Retrofits for Town Buildings
The Town of Bridgewater is going for more funding from Eco Nova Scotia for solar and oil heating retrofits. Mayor Carroll Publicover says Council pre-approved up to 85 thousand dollars pending 50 percent co-funding to implement the projects as part of the Town's Energy Management Plan. Town properties to be retrofitted include Town Hall, the public works garage, the fire hall, police station and DesBrisay Museum. The Town was recently notified it will receieve 58, 000 dollars to upgrade 11 buildings based on recommendations from an energy audit.
Terms of Reference for Parks,Recreation & Culture
Town Council has adopted amendments to the terms of reference for the Bridgewater Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission. Mayor Carroll Publicover says the Commission will now become strictly an advisory committee to Council as opposed to a body that can make a determination of direction.
The selection criteria has also been expanded to include citizens from not only the Town of Bridgewater, but also from the whole of Lunenburg County.
Along with six citizens, two councillors from the Town will also sit on the the committee. The new terms of reference take effect April 1st.
The selection criteria has also been expanded to include citizens from not only the Town of Bridgewater, but also from the whole of Lunenburg County.
Along with six citizens, two councillors from the Town will also sit on the the committee. The new terms of reference take effect April 1st.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Councils Donate to Haitian Relief

The Mayors and Warden of Lunenburg County are collectively donating 5 thousand dollars for relief efforts in Haiti . Mayor Don Downe of the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, Bridgewater Mayor Carroll Publicover, Mahone Bay Mayor Joe Feeney, Lunenburg Mayor Laurence Mawhinney and Warden Alan Webber of the Municipality of the District of Chester says the team effort is on behalf of their respective councils and residents. The funds will be directed through Maritime Command and are targeted for the coastal area of Jacmel where the sailors of HMCS Halifax are involved in restoration efforts. It's also the home of the mother of the Governor-General.
Friday, January 22, 2010
H1N1 Shots
South West Health continues to encourage people to get their H1N1 flu shot.
In South West Health, you can get the H1N1 Flu Shot at Public Health Offices in Digby, Shelburne and Yarmouth Counties. Since the start of the H1N1 immunization program, there has been over 34, 000 doses of vaccine distributed in South West Health through a variety of means, including public immunization clinics, primary health care providers, hospitals, long term care facilities and schools.
In South West Health, you can get the H1N1 Flu Shot at Public Health Offices in Digby, Shelburne and Yarmouth Counties. Here is how to get an appointment:
1. Call the nearest Public Health Office (phone numbers below)
2. Leave your name and contact information
3. Public Health staff will call you back to make an appointment
Yarmouth 902-742-7141
Shelburne / Barrington 902-875-2623
Meteghan 902-645-2325
Digby 902-245-2557
Some physicians are also giving flu shots to their patients. Call your doctor to check.
In South West Health, you can get the H1N1 Flu Shot at Public Health Offices in Digby, Shelburne and Yarmouth Counties. Since the start of the H1N1 immunization program, there has been over 34, 000 doses of vaccine distributed in South West Health through a variety of means, including public immunization clinics, primary health care providers, hospitals, long term care facilities and schools.
In South West Health, you can get the H1N1 Flu Shot at Public Health Offices in Digby, Shelburne and Yarmouth Counties. Here is how to get an appointment:
1. Call the nearest Public Health Office (phone numbers below)
2. Leave your name and contact information
3. Public Health staff will call you back to make an appointment
Yarmouth 902-742-7141
Shelburne / Barrington 902-875-2623
Meteghan 902-645-2325
Digby 902-245-2557
Some physicians are also giving flu shots to their patients. Call your doctor to check.
Queens Place
Queens Place will become a reality with tenders expected to go in the spring. At a special council meeting this morning, the Region of Queens Municipality approved moving forward with the contract documents and working drawings. The design development phase is now complete with the class "B" estimate for the project 19 million, 937 thousand, 596 dollars based on current construction costs.
The final space program for Queens Place includes an NHL sized arena , a walking track, fitness centre with aerobics studio, community room, canteen, youth health centre and associated common areas. An outdoor pool can be added at a later date and allowances have been made in the design to accommodate one easily although it is not included in this design. The federal government has contributed close to 7 million while the province kicked in 5 million. the province and close to $7million from the federal government. The Region of Queens will contribute the remaining funds through reserves, fundraising of $1.5million and capital financing up to $4million.
The final space program for Queens Place includes an NHL sized arena , a walking track, fitness centre with aerobics studio, community room, canteen, youth health centre and associated common areas. An outdoor pool can be added at a later date and allowances have been made in the design to accommodate one easily although it is not included in this design. The federal government has contributed close to 7 million while the province kicked in 5 million. the province and close to $7million from the federal government. The Region of Queens will contribute the remaining funds through reserves, fundraising of $1.5million and capital financing up to $4million.
New Chief Executive Officer of South Shore Health
Acting CEO Alice Leverman has been appointed to the position full time. South Shore Health Board Chair, Roxie Smith made the annoucement today..she says Leverman has been a highly respected and valued member of the senior executive team at South Shore Health since 2001 and has shown tremendous strategic leadership in her role as Acting CEO. Leverman replaces Kevin McNamara who recently accepted a position as Deputy Minister of Health for Nova Scotia.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Nova Scotia RCMP are warning people to use caution before donating to any type of aid agencies that promise to help people in Haiti. News of devastating earthquake prompted many Canadians to donate but as predictable as earthquake aftershocks are following natural disasters, "scanners" also emerge to take advantage of the tragic situation. In order to help prevent financial loss and to ensure that your donations go as far as they can, the RCMP Nova Scotia Financial Crime Section is urging people to exercise caution when donating to disaster relief.
To ensure you do not fall victim to a scam in wake of Haiti earthquake, below are a few things to be aware of when deciding where and how to donate. If you have any information regarding fraudulent charities or similar activities, please contact your local police, or call Phonebusters at 1-888-495-8501 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.
● Ask the solicitor for the registered charitable tax number of the charity. Question any discrepancies. Confirm the charity’s registration information through the Canada Revenue Agency (1-800-267-2384)
●Refuse high pressure appeals. Legitimate fund-raisers won't push you to give on the spot.
●Ask for written information about the charity, including name, address and telephone number. A legitimate charity or fund-raiser will give you information about the charity's mission and how your donation will be used.
●Ask for identification. If the solicitor refuses to tell you or does not have some form or verifiable identification, hang up or close the door and report it to law enforcement officials.
●Call the charity. Find out if the organization is aware of the solicitation and has authorized the use of its name. If not, you may be dealing with a scam artist.
●Watch out for similar sounding names. Some phony charities use names that closely resemble those of respected, legitimate organizations. If you notice a small difference from the name of the charity you intend to deal with, call the organization to check it out.
●Be wary of charities offering to send a courier or overnight delivery service to collect your donation immediately.
To ensure you do not fall victim to a scam in wake of Haiti earthquake, below are a few things to be aware of when deciding where and how to donate. If you have any information regarding fraudulent charities or similar activities, please contact your local police, or call Phonebusters at 1-888-495-8501 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.
● Ask the solicitor for the registered charitable tax number of the charity. Question any discrepancies. Confirm the charity’s registration information through the Canada Revenue Agency (1-800-267-2384)
●Refuse high pressure appeals. Legitimate fund-raisers won't push you to give on the spot.
●Ask for written information about the charity, including name, address and telephone number. A legitimate charity or fund-raiser will give you information about the charity's mission and how your donation will be used.
●Ask for identification. If the solicitor refuses to tell you or does not have some form or verifiable identification, hang up or close the door and report it to law enforcement officials.
●Call the charity. Find out if the organization is aware of the solicitation and has authorized the use of its name. If not, you may be dealing with a scam artist.
●Watch out for similar sounding names. Some phony charities use names that closely resemble those of respected, legitimate organizations. If you notice a small difference from the name of the charity you intend to deal with, call the organization to check it out.
●Be wary of charities offering to send a courier or overnight delivery service to collect your donation immediately.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Cottage Fire in Bayport
One man is homeless following a fire at a Bayport cottage used as a year round residence. Riverport and District Fire Department along with Dayspring were called to the Shore Boat View Campgrounds in Bayport around 10:30 Monday morning. The wooden building was fully engulfed in flames. Sherman Conrad who owns the property suffered burns to his face and the back of his head. He was treated on scene. The tenant who lives in the cottage was at work at the time of the blaze It's believed propane was the cause of the fire.
Bridgewater Building Boom
It appears construction continues to boom in Bridgewater. Despite a gloomy economy the Town recorded its second highest building permit total in 18 years . The value of building permits issued from January to December 2009 was 17.9 million, 131 percent of the same period in 2008. Councillor Bill McInnis says the second highest total happened in a year when a recession was on so the totals are significant. The banner year for the Town was 2007 when permit values totalled 25 point 5 million dollars.
Schools in the South Shore region are closing early today due to weather. Queens County will be closing 1:45 minutes early, and Lunenburg County will be closing 2 hours early.
The Director of Communications for South Shore Health has informed CKBW News that the hospital strike is over. Theresa Hawkesworth reports that striking health care employees have returned to their regular shifts. Health care workers on the South Shore and in other rural parts of the province set up picket lines after their union and the provincial government failed to hammer out a tentative contract deal by a strike deadline. Details of the negotiations have yet to be released.
CUPE employees reach agreement on school strike
Bus drivers, custodians and teachers' assistants in rural Nova Scotia are expected to report to work as scheduled this morning. Weekend negotiations between the Canadian Union of Public Employees and the provincial government were a success. Both sides announced a tentative contract deal yesterday. Details of the package have not been released.
Friday, January 15, 2010
A Cherryfield, Lunenburg County man is dead after the snowmobile he was on ran off the railway bed and collided with a large tree yesterday morning. RCMP received a call from passing snowmobile riders that came across the accident scene and called 911.The 66 year old male died as a result of injuries sustained from the collision. Name of the decreased is being withheld pending notification of next of kin and results of an autopsy.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
RCMP Officer died in Haitian Earthquake
An RCMP officer who worked in Nova Scotia has been found dead in the rubble of his Haitian home. Sergeant Mark Gallagher's body was recovered under the collapsed remains of the apartment building in Port -au- Prince. Arrangements are being made to return Sgt. Gallagher’s body to Canada. Recently, Gallagher left Haiti to spend three weeks with his family in New Brunswick. He returned to Haiti just a few hours before the devastating earthquake that trapped him underneath the apartment where he was unable to free himself. Sgt. Mark Gallagher the recipient of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Commemorative Medal and earned the Police Exemplary Service Medal for over 20 years of police service. Formerly a member of the Moncton Police, Gallagher has been a member of the RCMP for the past 12 years.Gallagher’s service includes a variety of duties in both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Prior to his deployment Gallagher was the Media Relations Officer at RCMP Headquarters in Halifax.
Missing Woman Located
A Bridgewater woman reported missing earlier this week has been located. 41 year old Shelley Lynn Arenburg was reported missing by her friends on Monday. She was last seen leaving her apartment Saturday around 5pm. Arenburg was located and is in good health. The Bridgewater Police Service thanks the public for their assistance.
Still no word on a Bridgewater missing women that was last seen at her residence on Maple Street at approximately 5pm on Saturday.
Police were informed Monday that Shelley Lynn Arenburg had failed to return and her friends are concerned for her well being.
Miss Arenburg is described as a Caucasian female, 5'2" in height , 159 lbs , with brown hair and hazel eyes. She was last seen wearing a green jacket, a blue hoodie and blue jeans.
Anyone who has seen or has had contact with Miss Arenburg is asked to contact the Bridgewater Police Service.
Police were informed Monday that Shelley Lynn Arenburg had failed to return and her friends are concerned for her well being.
Miss Arenburg is described as a Caucasian female, 5'2" in height , 159 lbs , with brown hair and hazel eyes. She was last seen wearing a green jacket, a blue hoodie and blue jeans.
Anyone who has seen or has had contact with Miss Arenburg is asked to contact the Bridgewater Police Service.
Morning Fire
A number of fire departments were called to the scene of a fire on Tannery Road in Petite Reviere this morning around 1:30am. The fire involved a shed which was close to another building but fire departments from LaHave,Petite Riviere,United Communities,Hebbville,Pleasantville and Italy Cross were all able to extinguish the fire.No other details have yet been released.
The following is a list of reputable aid organizations currently seeking cash donations for relief efforts in earthquake-ravaged Haiti. Donations can be made at the web pages or by calling the appropriate phone numbers.
CANADIAN RED CROSS (hoping to raise at least $2 million):, or call toll free 1-800-418-1111, visit any Red Cross office.
HUMANITARIAN COALITION (consists of CARE Canada, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam-Quebec and Save the Children Canada):
Plan Canada :
SALVATION ARMY :, or call 1-800-725-2769. Rogers Wireless and Bell Mobility customers can make $5 donations by texting the word ``haiti'' to 45678. Donations can be mailed to Army Territorial Headquarters, Canada and Bermuda, 2 Overlea Blvd., Toronto, Ontario M4H 1P4. Donations can also be dropped off at local Salvation Army units. Specify ``Haiti Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund.''
The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade has also compiled a guide designed to help the public avoid scams and ensure their donations are of maximum value: lp-aide_canadien.aspx Calls for donations are also prevalent on social networking services Twitter and Facebook .
CANADIAN RED CROSS (hoping to raise at least $2 million):, or call toll free 1-800-418-1111, visit any Red Cross office.
HUMANITARIAN COALITION (consists of CARE Canada, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam-Quebec and Save the Children Canada):
Plan Canada :
SALVATION ARMY :, or call 1-800-725-2769. Rogers Wireless and Bell Mobility customers can make $5 donations by texting the word ``haiti'' to 45678. Donations can be mailed to Army Territorial Headquarters, Canada and Bermuda, 2 Overlea Blvd., Toronto, Ontario M4H 1P4. Donations can also be dropped off at local Salvation Army units. Specify ``Haiti Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund.''
The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade has also compiled a guide designed to help the public avoid scams and ensure their donations are of maximum value: lp-aide_canadien.aspx Calls for donations are also prevalent on social networking services Twitter and Facebook .
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Traffic Lights on North Street
Bridgewater Town Council is looking at installing a set of traffic lights on North Street in response to a petition from residents of Winburn Avenue. Mayor Carroll Publicover says the lights could be advanced separate from the upgrade of North and Aberdeen. The engineering department has been asked for an accurate cost to be included for consideration in this years capital budget. The traffic lights which would be a short term solution would be located at the intersection of Seasons Drive and Haven Drive on North Street.
Special Purpose Tax to Pay For LCLC
A special purpose tax is being considered by the Municipality of Lunenburg to help pay its share of the capital cost of the Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre. Mayor Don Downe says Council approved in principle the concept of a stand alone tax with a time line of when it will be paid off. Numbers aren't being discussed at this point because Downe says until design costs of the facility are determined it's premature to talk of possible amounts for the special tax. The Municipality along with the Town of Bridgewater previously committed funding totalling one third of the estimated 32 million dollar complex. The province and federal government have each committed 10 million.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Councils support ferry link
Another resolution encouraging a continuance of a transportation link between Yarmouth and Maine. The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg unanimously backed the resolution to be sent to the province. Mayor Don Downe says the link has to be maintained and it's not just a Yarmouth issue.He says it's all of Southwest Nova and beyond. Downe says since the CAT was there, in excess of 1.7 million people have been brought into the area those are dollars coming into the economy creating jobs and weath for the area. He says Council is just showing its support forthe continuation in the future of a linkage between Nova Scotia and the United States. Bridgewater Town Council also endorsed a motion calling on the province to come up with a viable solution in maintaining a linkage.
Court house for sale
The former Bridgewater Court house will soon be up for sale. Even though it's located in the Town, the property belongs to the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg. Mayor Don Downe says they received the keys on Friday and the deed yesterday so the title transfer is now complete. Downe says the next step is to have the property appraised then put it on the market. The old court house has been replaced with a 16.8 million dollar Justice Centre on High Street. It was officially opened by Premier Darrell Dexter last July 30th and was previously dedicated to former minister of Finance and Lunenburg MLA Michael Baker who died of cancer last March.
Bridgewater Missing Person
Bridgewater Police are asking for the public's assistance in locating a 41 year old woman who was last seen Saturday January 9th. Shelley Lynn Arenburg was last seen when she left her Maple Street residence around 5pm. Police were notified by concerned friends on Monday when Arenburg failed to return. She is described as a Caucasian female, 5' 2, about 160 pounds with brown hair and hazel eyes. When last seen she was wearing a green jacket, a blue hoody and blue jeans. Anyone who has recently seen or had contact with Miss Arenburg is asked to contact the Bridgewater Police Service at 543-2464.
Monday, January 11, 2010
King Street Park Improvement Project
Tenders totalling a little more than 66 thousand dollars have been approved for the King Street Park Improvement Project. Bridgewater Mayor Carroll Publicover says the initial tender call for the complete project came in way over budget, so council broke the project down into several components. NEDCO Atlantic of Bridgewater will supply four park lights with LED fixtures, Bricks and Stone Landscape Design of LaHave was awarded the tender for the supply, delivery and installation of interlocking concrete paver stones, and Bear River Plastics of Cornwallis will construct and deliver a floating dock and gangway system.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Chester Family Homeless, Four Sent to Hospital
A 17 year old female remains in the QE2 for treatment of burns following a pre-dawn house fire Saturday near Chester Basin sent all four members of a family to hospital. The parents were released from hospital in Halifax Saturday evening after treatment for smoke inhalation. Their15-year-old son was expected to be released Sunday from the IWK Health Centre in Halifax. All four escaped the burning house shortly after 5 a.m. with only the clothes they were wearing. Canadian Red Cross volunteers have arranged for emergency purchases of clothing and food, provided blankets and personal-care items and say the couple and their son will be staying with friends for now. Their house, at 5109 Highway 3 a few kilometres west of Chester, was destroyed. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
House Fire in Chester.
A house fire early this morning near Chester Basin, Nova Scotia has sent all four members of a family to hospital for treatment of burns and smoke inhalation.
Two teenagers were sent directly to the IWK Health Centre in Halifax while their parents were being treated in Bridgewater.
Canadian Red Cross volunteers met briefly with the parents on-scene and will follow-up with assistance if needed once they're released from hospital.
The home, at 5109 Highway 3 a few kilometres west of Chester, was destroyed despite the efforts of five area volunteer fire departments.
The cause of the fire is under investigation
Two teenagers were sent directly to the IWK Health Centre in Halifax while their parents were being treated in Bridgewater.
Canadian Red Cross volunteers met briefly with the parents on-scene and will follow-up with assistance if needed once they're released from hospital.
The home, at 5109 Highway 3 a few kilometres west of Chester, was destroyed despite the efforts of five area volunteer fire departments.
The cause of the fire is under investigation
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Party goer points rifle
A 32 year old Camperdown man will appear in court next month accused of pointing a rifle at another person during a New Year’s Eve party. The Mounties received a complaint January 1st around 2:30 am that a man had pointed a rifle at another person during a New Year's Eve party. A search of the man's residence January 6th turned up a stash of weapons including three military style rifles, several handguns, other long guns and a quantity of ammunition. The man has been released on conditions until his court appearance in Bridgewater February 24th.
Services at South Shore Health will begin being reduced this week in preparation for a possible strike by CUPE employees on Jan 18th.
South Shore Health’s CEO Alice Leverman says they have been working with the local union to ensure they are able to provide a safe level of emergency care for communities. She added that patient, staff and public safety is and will continue to be their number one priority.
South Shore Health was originally preparing for a January 11 strike date, but CUPE announced earlier this week that they will take strike action on January 18.
South Shore Health’s CEO Alice Leverman says they have been working with the local union to ensure they are able to provide a safe level of emergency care for communities. She added that patient, staff and public safety is and will continue to be their number one priority.
South Shore Health was originally preparing for a January 11 strike date, but CUPE announced earlier this week that they will take strike action on January 18.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Truck flips after tangling in wires
A truck driver escaped injury after his vehicle overturned after getting tangled up in telephone wires. The man was doing snow removal at a business on Logan Road shortly after midnight when the accident happened. Apparently the raised box on his truck got caught up in the telephone wires causing the truck to flip over. Aliant and Nova Scotia Power were called to the scene to deal with damage to the affected wires and power pole. Police say no charges are pending at this time.
Pedestrian struck in crosswalk in Bridgewater
An 88 yr old Bridgewater man has been charged after he struck a pedestrian on a scooter yesterday at the intersection of King Street and Old Bridge street.At around 3:04pm members of the Bridgewater Police Service along with the assistance of paramedics responded to the motor vehicle-pedestrian collision where the 56 year old Bridgewater resident, was conveyed to South Shore Regional Hospital by EHS for an unrelated injury.No further details on the incident have yet been released.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sherry O'Toole and Jeremy Stevens the proud parents of the first baby born in the new year at South Shore Regional Hospital. Baby GIRL Jordyn arrived at 10:10pm on New Year's Day, January 1st and was welcomed by parents and big sister Mya. The South Shore Regional Hospital Auxiliary donated a basket full of gifts to the baby’s family.
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